Up to four months the kid does not need maintaining a feeding up - breast milk is good nutrition. Then it is possible to diversify a diet of the baby with tasty and useful purees, cottage cheese, meat and kefir.
When to begin a feeding up?
Introduction to a diet of the kid of new products, more high-calorie, than breast milk, is called a feeding up. At the initial stages do not replace with it, and supplement applying to a breast. Up to four months the child is not ready to consumption of firm food, it simply is reflex pushed out by language because of age features of a mouth. Moreover, enzyme which splits starch and carbohydrates up to 4-6 months contains at the baby in limited quantity. However, at the same time at the child rather high level of the disakharidaza which is responsible for lactose splitting – bases of breast milk is observed. Therefore it is not recommended to enter a feeding up before four months.
It is necessary to enter products into the menu of the baby very carefully not to cause in it allergic reaction. If the chair of the child gains green color, or on a body the rash will develop - it is necessary to reconsider a diet immediately.
The first feeding up
Vegetable puree – the best that can be thought up for the first acquaintance of the kid to adult food. Vegetables are rich with iron, potassium, vegetable fibers and organic acids and also easily are digested and seldom cause allergies. Introduction of such feeding up should be begun with one product, for example, of broccoli or a squash. Then it is gradually possible to add pumpkin, cabbage and potato.
Cottage cheese and kefir
Children's cottage cheese is entered into the child's diet not earlier than half a year. To begin it it is necessary to give about 0.5 teaspoons, in a month it is possible to increase a portion to 30 g, and in a year – up to 60 g a day. If the child to half a year only began to receive the first feeding up, it is necessary to hold off introduction of cottage cheese to 8 months. Kefir – very important product preventing allergic reactions and disbioz. Also it contributes to the correct development of a microbiocenosis of intestines and the immunity increases. It is necessary to enter it into a feeding up from 8 months, it is possible to combine with cottage cheese.
Use of dishes of industrial production is the main rule of a feeding up. It is the safest option for the baby in the conditions of an adverse ecological situation.
Meat mash
This feeding up is very important as it contains vitamins A and B 12, protein, niatsin and iron. It is recommended to enter meat into a diet of the kid not earlier than 7 months 1-2 times a week, and from 9 months it is possible to try a spoon of fish puree.
The egg yolk is entered into the menu of the kid from 7 months. Begin with its fourth part, and then gradually bring to a half. The children inclined to allergic reactions, it is better to protect from the use of this product or to give it in smaller quantity. Preparation of such feeding up will take about 10 minutes. Egg it is necessary to boil, allow it to cool down, and then to knead and give to the baby. The yolk can be combined with breast milk or vegetable puree.