Christening of the child is called "rebirth" because this very important event in life of orthodox family. At the same time this very responsible and troublesome action for parents. It is very important to be prepared for its carrying out in advance, to invite Godfathers, relatives, to collect baptismal accessories to the child, to dress it properly.
It is required to you
- Big towel, bed-sheet, baptismal shirt, hat or kerchief for the girl, pants or disposable diapers, socks.
1. If a christening takes place in warm time of year, problems with clothes for the kid should not arise. The boy can put on a cotton suit or a light dress to the girl, without forgetting about a kerchief or a panama. It is very important to pick up clothes with plain fasteners or in general without them as during the christening it will be necessary to take off quickly clothes from the child. If he is absolutely small, prepare a diaper to lay it on a special table for disguise. The baby carries out the most part of a ceremony by the naked child or in one diaper.
2. If the child is going to be christened in the winter, it is necessary to prepare the warm, easily undone suit, cotton and woolen socks and a hat. The clothes are taken off at the beginning of the christening, and before lowering in a font the child spends time on hands at one of Godfathers naked. He can put on socks and to turn in a warm towel or a blanket.
3. After bathing of the child it is necessary to wipe quickly, and the father will dress it in the shirt prepared in advance from baptismal set — as a rule, it includes a bed-sheet, a baptismal shirt and a cap. It is possible to choose set independently or to assign this duty to shoulders of one of Godfathers. Socks are usually not included in baptismal sets. Also do not forget to prepare in advance baptismal towel and to take pair of diapers and two-three disposable diapers.