Introduction to a diet of the kid of meat products is an important stage in his life. To you the pediatrician as earlier introduction is fraught with allergic reactions and excessive loads of digestive system of the baby, and overdue introduction will help to determine exact term can develop anemia and a lack of vitamins of group B.
1. Give preference in favor of meat products of industrial production. They have more gentle consistence and are prepared with the maximum preservation of all useful minerals and vitamins. Besides, it will save your time which is better for spending for communication with the child.
2. Be defined with what meat product you are going to feed the child. It can be a turkey, a rabbit or fast beef. More carefully with chicken meat as it can cause allergies.
3. Make sure of quality of the product offered the kid: check an expiration date, packing in case of a product of industrial production. If cooked a meat dish independently, then make sure of that meat was up to the end boiled and had the consistence corresponding to age of the child.
4. Add a half-teaspoon of meat mash to a product already familiar to the child which he usually with pleasure eats. It is better to add meat to vegetable puree or to soup. Observe the child within the next day.
5. If consumption of a meat product did not cause any allergic reactions, then increase the volume of a meat product to 1 teaspoon next day. In the next day give to the child 2 teaspoons of meat mash, etc. Thus, increase daily meat volume to the norms corresponding to age of the kid. In 8-9 months it makes 30-40 g, by 11-12 months it is possible to give to the kid of 50-70 g of meat a day.
6. Acquaint the child with other types of meat, it agrees to above-mentioned points.
7. The latest meat product with which it is worth acquainting the child is mutton. It rather fat is also heavy for assimilation.