Expecting the second child, mother has to prepare the senior for important changes in family. The competent explanation will help your son or the daughter to get used to a new situation and together with parents to enjoy fast appearance of the kid.
1. Choose a suitable explanation depending on age of the child and his knowledge of reproduction of the person. Pregnancy of mother can become a good occasion to delicately present information on sexual human relations.
2. To the kid of three-four years there will be enough message that it will have soon a little brother who is in a stomach at mom now. Connect this question with the fact that now you should not strain. Try to explain to the child that you cannot as often as he will want, carry him on hands. But do not reduce attention to it, on the contrary, the kid has to understand that parents love it still.
3. The child of five-seven years can be told also about how children appear. If the son or the daughter ask this question, show consideration for a conversation especially. Stock up with the literature made by specialists teachers. In brochures and books information is given in an available form and supplied with the corresponding pictures. If the child is already able to read, you can give him the book for independent study. It will save you from possible awkwardness.
4. Talk about how your life after appearance of the new family member will change. If you have no second nursery, prepare the senior for the fact that he will divide a living space with younger. Tell that the little brother will be able to become him the good friend, even despite an age difference subsequently. Together think where you place toys, ask the kid to help to choose a corner where there will be the newborn's bed. It will give to the senior child of confidence and will help it to become the full participant of events.
5. A single question - discussion of a delicate subject with the teenager. He is already able to estimate importance of changes in family. However other problems can concern your firstborn. How will the kid affect his life whether will become a source of continuous cares? You should not remind the senior child of responsibility once again. Explain to the teenager that you are not going to connect him by a large amount of cares of the little brother. Tell about positive sides of appearance of the kid in family better.