Syrup of a root of a licorice is natural vegetable cough medicine. This means is especially relevant for treatment of children. The main thing to understand how to give it depending on age of the kid.
1. Syrup of a root of a licorice consists of a large amount of biologically active agents. This medicine promotes fluidifying of a phlegm in airways and stimulation of its otkhozhdeniye, disinfection and to healing of the small wounds of a throat arising at cough. The root of a licorice is magnificent means for treatment of chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, a bronkhoektatichesky disease, pneumonia, the trakheobronkhit and so on.
2. The first condition at treatment by syrup of a root of a licorice is plentiful drink. It is important to reduce viscosity of a phlegm. Otherwise slime will become dense and will cause difficulties at breath.
3. Dilute syrup only in boiled warm water. It is impossible to add syrup to tea, or other hot drink as under the influence of temperature its useful properties considerably decrease.
4. Aged up to 2 years give to kids the licorice root on 2 drops divorced in a water teaspoon 3 times a day.
5. You dissolve licorice root syrup for the child from 2 to 6 years in number of 2-10 drops in 1 teaspoon of water and give 3 times a day.
6. To the child from 6 to 12 years part 50 drops of this medicine in half of glass of water and give 3 times a day.
7. In 100 milliliters of water part 1 teaspoon of syrup of a root of a licorice. This dosage is intended for the child 12 years are more senior. It is necessary to take medicine also 3 times a day.
8. At any age the course of treatment syrup of a root of a licorice has to last no more than 10 days. In need of a repeated course surely consult with the children's doctor.