Paracetamol is medicine for decrease in body temperature and intensity of pain. The febrifugal effect of this medicine is most expressed, than anesthetizing. Medicine can be applied also to children, and since the moment of their birth.
Special forms of medicine – suspensions, syrups and rectal candles which contain a paracetamol dosage, optimum for the child, are developed for children. It is easier to give them to the kid, and the rectal form possesses faster action and has no negative impact on digestive tract.
But for achievement of the most positive effect at treatment of the child as paracetamol and exceptions of risk of poisoning with medicine it is important to choose the correct dosage and a form of production of medicine. Cases of poisoning occur, unfortunately, in increasing frequency, and the self-confidence of parents and their irresponsibility becomes the reason for that. Many consider that they have the right to appoint independently treatment to the children and to choose a dosage, to regulate drug intake frequency.
Forms of production of paracetamol for children and feature of their reception
Most often on shelves of pharmacies it is possible to meet paracetamol for children in the form of syrup or candles for rectal application.
Syrup with the content of paracetamol is considered the most optimum form of medicine for treatment of children from the moment of the birth up to 7 years. Such means release with various flavoring additives, fragrances of food appointment which impact unique pleasant relish and very much it are pleasant to kids. Besides, syrup prevents emetic desires which often arise at children at administration of drugs in the form of tablets or powders. It is necessary to accept paracetamol syrup shortly before food or during meal, washing down with enough liquid. It is recommended to regulate a dosage not by means of dining rooms or teaspoons which are used for food, and a measured glass or a spoon which are surely applied by the producer to a bottle with medicine. Rectal candles are entered into back pass of the kid. Such form of release will be suitable for children up to 3 years. At more advanced age children, as a rule, categorically refuse the procedure. Children's candles contain up to 100 mg of paracetamol in one candle and such quantity enough for the child of 3 years. To kids of earlier age the dosage is selected individually, in compliance with features of an organism, complexity of a disease, height of body temperature or intensity of pains. I recommend to exceed a dose and frequency of application it is impossible as it can lead to poisoning.
Signs of overdose of paracetamol
This medicine has practically no contraindications, and negative consequences from its reception appear, in most cases, as a result of its overdose. The first signs of overdose of medicine is an appearance of pains in a tummy, vomiting, an apathetic condition of the child, emergence of a perspiration. If at the kid similar symptoms against the background of intake of paracetamol are observed, then it is necessary to call the ambulance immediately. Before arrival of physicians it is necessary to make washing of a stomach, but if it is not possible to make it, then to give activated carbon to reduce absorbability of walls of a stomach. In case of reception by the child of a high dose of paracetamol the immediate medical care as the liver failure can develop is necessary, begin faints and spasms.