Normal development of the child up to six months is completely provided with breast milk. When the baby grows up, the feeding up is gradually entered into a diet of the kid. The grains consisting of one look are ideal to start a porridge feeding up without addition of milk, sugar or fruit.
1. As a rule, as the first feeding up to kids appoint vegetables puree since it contains many minerals and vitamins. Act this way also because the kids who tasted first of all porridge quite often refuse then vegetables. Therefore offer porridge to the baby 3-4 weeks later after you are able to replace completely one feeding with a breast (or mix) a vegetable feeding up. If your kid badly gains weight, has an unstable chair, he is disturbed by gripes or frequent vomiting, after all begin a feeding up with krupyany dishes.
2. For the first acquaintance offer the kid bezglyutenovy nonmilk rice, buckwheat or corn porridge. Soluble dry porridges are very convenient for babies. For their preparation add warm boiled water to powder, according to the instruction on a box, and carefully mix.
3. You enter porridge into a diet of the baby gradually, since one-two teaspoons. Then finish feeding the baby a breast (or mix). Approximately in a week completely replace one day feeding with a feeding up. It is not necessary to offer the kid the wide range of grain at once: for a start offer 1-2 views and give it time to get used to them.
4. If the kid has no allergy to gluten and milk protein, enter porridge into its diet, then you pass gradually to milk porridges with addition of fruit and without them. It is possible to use the dry milk porridges demanding cookings and also flour for baby food. By the way, you can independently make flour for preparation of porridges, having crushed any grain in the electric coffee grinder.