As the child grows, his organism begins to need certain nutritional supplements which milk cannot provide. For this purpose it is necessary to enter gradually into a daily diet of the kid a feeding up which will prepare his digestive system for firm food.
1. The kid has to receive the first feeding up at the age of three months if the child eats dairy mix, and in four months if receives maternal milk. It is better to begin a feeding up with fruit juice. Begin with apple, then let's try pear, plum, peach, carrot. Give ½ teaspoons of juice before feeding. Gradually finish juice volume to 30gr.
2. In two weeks after successful introduction of juice, it is possible to begin a feeding up with vegetable or fruit puree. The choice depends on physical development of the child. If the kid badly grows fat, begin to give vegetable puree. Fruit is shown to often ill children. From vegetables it is better to begin with squash. Gradually enter carrot, a cauliflower, pumpkin, potato, broccoli. Fruit puree give that, from what fruit the kid already tried juice. Add banana and apricot puree to this list.
3. In 5-6 months it is possible to acquaint the kid with porridges and fermented milk products. From porridges stop the choice on oat, buckwheat, rice, corn. Gradually one of day feedings at you will consist completely of a feeding up. You enter cottage cheese into a diet of the child only that which is intended for baby food or do it independently. By a year the volume of daily consumption of cottage cheese has to be 50 g.
4. In 6-7 months of the kid it is possible to acquaint with meat dishes. Give preference to low-fat grades: to beef, chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit flesh. All meat is given in well boiled thoroughly look, crushed in the blender or the meat grinder. If as meat you are not sure, it is better to give special children's canned food. At the beginning of a feeding up give the 5-10th meat, increasing a portion by a year to 50 g a day.
5. From 8 months according to the decision of the pediatrician the child can give whole milk. It has to become with extra care not to cause allergies and problems connected about lactoheat by insufficiency. In this case the child can give special delactosed or soy mixes.
6. In 11 months the kid can already try fish. Choose low-fat grades of fish, ideally use ready children's canned food. Frozen fish in shops is doubtful quality, and it is possible to be sure of freshness of fish if to buy it live. And cutting of such fish business troublesome.