How to make a children's portfolio

How to make a children's portfolio

Children Hits: 67

Today in many kindergartens and schools of parents ask to make a portfolio for the child. However not all mothers know what represents a children's portfolio and how it is possible to issue it correctly. It is necessary for the adult of a portfolio to collect all the high-quality works and, if necessary, to show them to the employer. The portfolio for the kid pursues the same aims: to make peculiar "file" on the child, to keep for many years the first creative achievements of the baby, his amusing statements, his awards and achievements.

It is required to you


1. Be defined for what purposes you make a children's portfolio. Would you like to reflect a certain period in lives kid (for example, from the birth up to 2 years)? Or you would like to make the thematic portfolio devoted to travel, New year or walks? Besides, the treasured folder can contain information reflecting progress of the child in any sphere, for example, swimming or drawing.

2. The first (title) leaf has to contain information on the kid. Place a surname, a name, the child's middle name, his date of birth on a cover.

3. On the second leaf prepare contents of your folder. The concrete structure of a portfolio does not exist, each kid is individual, and only parents know what information on it they would like to save. Begin with execution of 5-6 sections, and in the course of work you, perhaps, decide to expand a portfolio.

4. Issue the pages devoted to the kid. Zodiac sign of the child, his name-day, character, habits, preferences that he loves or does not love. Surely supplement the section with the bright pictures taken during the different periods of life of the baby.

5. The following section should be devoted to family of the child. Place information on parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, sisters and brothers here, and accompany the story with family photos and images of each family member separately.

6. Surely make the section devoted to creativity of the kid. Its first inept scribble and surer drawings, paper snowflakes, appliques, say, everything, than the child can be proud. Volume hand-made articles (for example, from natural materials or plasticine) can be photographed and placed in the folder.

7. The following sections depend only on parental imagination. It is possible to issue the pages devoted to travel, pets, a hobby of the kid, his friends, favourite heroes of books and animated films. And it is possible to collect a collection of interesting statements and the words of the baby. Human memory is imperfect, and thanks to such portfolio made with own hands, the precious moments of the childhood of your kid will remain with you forever.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
