The rice squash, certainly, is very useful to kids, it contains special starchy carbohydrates which help to protect a mucous membrane of digestive system of the baby. Besides, boiled rice is capable to protect an organism from various slags and toxins.
Porridge from rice not only is useful to all kids, it also is absolutely safe for children - allergic persons, and for them happens so difficult to pick up a diet. If to add to rice it is a little pumpkin, then it is possible to receive really magic mix. The combination of rice and pumpkin is capable not only to give to an organism the most useful substances and energy, but also to help the child - to the allergic person to be cleaned from various undesirable connections which are formed during allergic reactions. For this reason for any mom it is so important to know how to prepare a rice squash for the baby.
The wiped rice porridge
For the wiped rice porridge it is required to you: - 1 glass of water; - 2 grams of salt;
- 1.5 tablespoons of rice; - 0.5 glasses of milk;
- 1 tsps of fructose; - 1 tsps of butter.
Such rice squash is suitable for kids at the age of 5-6 months. For its preparation you first of all need to boil water, and then to add to it salt and to gradually pour rice. Do not forget that rice needs previously to be washed out carefully, it will allow to get rid of surplus of rice starch. From time to time stirring slowly, finish a squash until ready. After that it is necessary to crush the turned-out boiled rice. It is for this purpose convenient to use the blender though, of course, it is possible to use and a good old method - it is simple to wipe a squash through a strainer. Now it is necessary to warm up milk and to pour in it in the turned-out rice puree, to add fructose to mix and to cook on slow fire within five minutes. Do not forget to stir slowly, otherwise the squash can burn or lumps will appear. After the wiped rice porridge is ready, add to it butter. That's all, bon appetit to your kid. For preparation of rice porridge it is possible to use breast milk or special dairy mix. Especially it is relevant for those kids into whose diet usual cow's milk was not entered yet. Do not forget that rice porridge, as well as any other feeding up, it is necessary to enter gradually. For a start offer your baby only one tea spoon, it is desirable in the morning. The fact is that usually in the first half of day the organism is more active, so, the new product will better be acquired.
Rice porridge with addition of pumpkin
For rice porridge with pumpkin it is required to you: - 1 glass of water; - 100 g of pumpkin; - 2 tablespoons of rice; - 2 glasses of milk; - salt pinch; - 1 tsps of fructose; - 1 tsps of butter.
Such squash will be suitable for babies at the age of six months. For a start it is necessary to crush pumpkin by means of a grater. Now it is necessary to boil water and to place there polished pumpkin. After pieces of pumpkin are almost ready, pour rice into a saucepan. Of course, grain needs to be washed out previously. Now it is possible to add milk to a squash and to cook until ready on slow fire. Do not forget to stir slowly. Ready porridge needs to be wiped through a strainer or to crush properly by means of the blender. After that add fructose, salt to the turned-out squash and again bring mix to boiling. The final stage of preparation - addition of a small amount of butter. That's all, the squash from rice and pumpkin is ready.
Porridge from rice and cottage cheese
For preparation of rice porridge with cottage cheese it is required to you: - 1.5 glasses of water; - 2 tablespoons of rice; - 1 tsps of fructose; - 1 tsps of butter; - 50 g of cottage cheese.
Such porridge can begin to be given to the kid after he is eight months old. For preparation wash out rice and pour it into the boiling water. You cook until ready. Crush the turned-out squash by means of the blender then add cottage cheese, fructose and butter. Do not forget everything to mix carefully.