How to make the presentation for children

How to make the presentation for children

The children's computer presentation is a great way to acquaint the kid with the surrounding phenomena and objects. Repeatedly checking one picture for another, the child quickly acquires information. This opening was made by Glen Doman and is the basis for a popular technique of early development. Minus of work with traditional cards is that the kid can lose or spoil them. The electronic presentations are deprived of such shortcoming.

It is required to you

  • PowerPoint program and set of pictures or photos.


1. Open the Power Point program. The new presentation is created automatically. In the right menu ""Contents Models"" press a blank sheet.

2. Choose style of heading by means of the Add WordArt Object button. Write heading a font, in color and the size necessary to you.

3. Start creation of a new slide. For this purpose in the left list under the image of the first slide with heading right-click and press ""To create a slide"".

4. Add to it in advance prepared photo or the picture. For this purpose in the Insert menu on the top panel choose a line ""Drawing"" => ""From the file"". To make the signature to the drawing, it is necessary to repeat step No. 2.

5. Create necessary quantity of slides with pictures.

6. Adjust the frequency of change of slides. By default they change on click, but it is possible to put automatic change through a period necessary to you. For this purpose in the top panel of the menu choose ""Display of a slide"" => ""Change of a slide"". In the additional menu determine on the right desirable time after which the picture will automatically exchange. Press ""To apply to all slides"".

7. Do not forget to keep the presentation. For this purpose in the menu on the top panel press ""File"" => ""To keep as... ""The presentation is ready.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
