How to organize the day off of the child

How to organize the day off of the child

Each parent dreams of that the day off of his child passed interestingly, unusually. For certain, you do not like the fact that children spend all the free time in front of the TV. Then help them to plan the day off so that it was possible both to have a rest, and to receive the mass of positive impressions.


1. If the child was given house task for the weekend, help to execute it still the night before that Sunday was completely given for rest.

2. Do not think that if you allow the son or daughters will fail in day off till a lunch in a bed, and then buy them many sweets, lemonade and chips, then it will be the best pastime on Sunday. It is better to spend it all family actively in nature. Such type of rest will present you a possibility of communication (what in modern society is not enough) and will load you with energy for the whole week.

3. Go all family to the dacha or to the forest on a picnic. Take also the pets, let children will gambol with them in the fresh air. Invite also friends of your children and organize for them games, competitions, competitions. Do not forget to buy prizes in advance.

4. If you nearby have a river, then bathe as much as possible. Play with children volleyball. This game can be organized directly in water. Organize a soccer match. Water, sunshine, excellent mood are so necessary for any child.

5. Then it is possible to go to the forest for mushrooms. Teach to watch children wildlife, tell how it is necessary to make thrifty use of it. If the campaign for mushrooms is successful, then it is possible to make mushroom soup on a fire. But do not forget to tell children that outstanding fire can do irreparable harm to the nature.

6. It is possible to make big fire in the evening and to sing near it songs to the guitar. Acquaint children with marching, bard songs, tell about what songs were sung by you in the childhood.

7. Children like to tell different stories in the evenings, support them. It is possible to bake potato in coals. All children, as a rule, eat it with pleasure. After such day off your child, having come back home, will quickly and strong fall asleep. He will have a rest with benefit for health and will gain strength for study.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
