How to play with the monthly child

How to play with the monthly child

The monthly child is already ready to fascinating games with dad and mom. He with pleasure will observe moving musical mobiles over a bed, will consider pictures on its sides and will try to find a rattle on a sound.

It is required to you

  • Rattle, monophonic toy, the mobile on a bed, a disk with classical music


1. The monthly kid is already not so small as it seems. At this age he begins to perceive gestures of people around and to react to them peculiar sounds, grimaces, twitchings of handles and legs. Observation of a moving subject can become excellent occupation in short-term intervals of wakefulness. Take a bright monophonic toy, place it in the field of vision the child and move 20-30 cm at distance.

2. To entertain the monthly kid, suggest it to find a sound source. It is about a tambourine, a hand bell, a rattle or capacity with various contents – peas, grain, etc. Arrange a toy at distance of 30-50 cm from the child. It is important that it did not get to its field of vision. Shake a subject several times with frequency in 5-10 seconds. When after several repetitions the baby begins to turn the head and to look for from where the ring is distributed, show it a toy.

3. Place multi-colored pictures on bed sides. Contrast images will become a great option: animated characters, "zebra" with a width of strips of 5 cm, black circles with a diameter of 3 cm on a light background, a target, a chessboard, etc. Lying on one side, the child with pleasure will consider them. At this time tell it about any given image in spite of the fact that he cannot enter dialogue yet.

4. Place a modern carousel or self-made "mobiles" over a bed. It can be the ridiculous mugs suspended on threads, black-and-white pyramids, paper cubes or cylinders. It is important that objects moved from fluctuations of air and amused the baby. Periodically remove a toy, otherwise it will become it uninteresting.

5. Work with motility of the baby. And index fingers carefully capture by average his leg. Then a thumb press a small pillow at the basis of fingers – the child will instantly bend them. To return fingers to a starting position, carry out by shaped movements on the inner edge of foot towards a heel. Repeat "massage" 2-4 times.

6. As often as possible turn on to the newborn the music. On its reaction you will understand that to him to liking. Classics and, of course, mother's lullabies will become a sure bet. Offer the baby what to be pleasant to you. Many children love radio.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
