How to prepare the child for sleeping

How to prepare the child for sleeping

The full-fledged dream is very important for mental and physical health of the kid. Correctly organized preparation for night rest helps the child to calm down and sink quicker into sound sleep, and to wake up fresh and well rested in the morning.

Preparation for night sleep

For a full-fledged dream the child needs to provide comfortable conditions. In the room it has to be dark and, it is desirable, cool. If the child is healthy, in warm season leave a window open, and in the winter – put a shutter on microairing. The lack of oxygen has an adverse effect on quality of rest and the child, most likely, will wake up sluggish and whimsical.

Acquire bed linen for the kid only from quality natural materials – a flax, coarse calico, cotton. Pay attention to that on it there were no rough seams imprinting on gentle skin of the kid.

Also problems with health can interfere with fast falling asleep and a qualitative dream. If something disturbs the kid – in time take measures and cure a disease.

Withdrawal ritual for sleeping

Since early childhood try to stack the kid at the same time, carefully observing the started ritual. Small children are conservatives. What more ordered their life, that they quieter also are more balanced. The withdrawal ritual for sleeping can include cleaning of toys, viewing the children's animated film, reading the book, hygienic procedures, a lullaby. Organize quiet games since after strong excitement your kid will not be able long to calm down for the child in the evening. If there is an opportunity – descend with the child on walk. After small physical activities and fresh air he will fall asleep quicker. The dinner of the child has to be easy, but rather nutritious that at night he did not wake up from hunger. Before the dream the kid can offer, yogurt, a glass of milk or kefir. After an evening shower and toothbrushing the child has to change clothes in a pajamas and go to bed. Give to the kid an opportunity to choose a toy which will spend with him night. Remarkably, if before going to bed someone from parents reads to the child the fairy tale. The animated film or the audiobook are admissible too, however they will not be able to replace parental heat and tenderness. But anyway, you have to kiss the child and to wish him good night.

How to facilitate to the child falling asleep

If your kid was overexcited during the day – bath him in a bath with infusions of a train, a camomile or a lavender. Also light massage which children usually very much love will help to relax the child. If there is a problem with fear of darkness, stack the child at the muffled night lamp light. Teach him to a prayer which will protect the kid during sleep, and you do not leave the room so far he will not fall asleep. If the child cannot long fall asleep, endlessly asks to drink, descend in a toilet, etc., allow it to pobodrstvovat a little more. At this time he can play, look through a little the book, listen to quiet music. Most likely, in about 15-20 minutes the dream will overcome him. However such derogations from the mode have to be single.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
