The state when the teacher knows almost everything about the subject is considered natural and understands it much better than the pupils. But the good pupil of subjects also differs from bad that it is capable, having acquired all his teacher can teach that, begin to think independently and, perhaps, comes to others, sometimes to conclusions, unexpected for the mentor. Also there is a temptation to argue with the teacher and to prove to it the case.
Identity of the teacher
Teachers, as we know, too people. They have weaknesses, ambitions and beliefs. And before beginning to argue with the teacher, it is worth thinking: what will lead this dispute to?
If the mentor seeks to teach the wards to think and analyze if he is glad to unexpected insights, welcomes independence of judgments at the pupils – the dispute with such teacher can become a fascinating discussion which is capable to enrich mutually both the teacher, and the pupil.
But if the teacher treats that type of people for which only his opinion is authoritative even if based on profound knowledge and long experience, it does not make sense to argue with such teacher: to prove the case it will hardly turn out, and here the relations with the mentor can be hopeless are spoiled. It is clear, that it, in turn, will affect progress of the pupil. Conservative and self-confident people not too favor debaters and aspire in various ways to humiliate them and to expose disparagingly before the others. Yes, such behavior will not too be coordinated with image of the ideal mentor, but, unfortunately, meets not so seldom. Before getting into a dispute with such person, it is worth thinking, how essentially important to prove to the teacher the case.
Preparation for a dispute
If, having weighed everything pro and against", you after all decided to get into a dispute with the teacher, it is worth being prepared for it thoroughly. The opinion expressed only on the basis of own intuition, which is not buttressed up established by facts and logical arguments, most likely, will sound unconvincingly. Making a new hypothesis or just sharing the facts which, perhaps, are not known to the teacher, check reliability of these facts. The source from which you gathered them has to cause trust in the teacher. Some website of questionable content where you found information which interested you will not approach as a source: perhaps, the author of article expressed especially personal opinion based on own "spiritual experience" and did not take care of buttressing up its real by facts and proofs. The publication in periodic editions also can not always be a reliable source to information if, of course, it is not the article in the scientific magazine published by the recognized expert. The reference to solid editions and the authors who gained old and deserved recognition in area about which it is in a dispute will most convincingly be heard. Many (including teachers) are convinced by the appeal to authoritative opinion. It is quite good also to try to think over possible objections of the teacher. It can quite be made if accurately to imagine in what key he lights usually at the lessons a dispute subject. On each such objection try to think over counterarguments which will convincingly sound. Then, perhaps, the teacher will change the initial opinion and recognizes your correctness.