Some women after Cesarean section have difficulties with breastfeeding: milk is not enough, the child should be finished feeding. Actually, the way of childbirth does not influence milk volume in any way, the lactation is started at the first applying of the baby, but not his passing in patrimonial ways.
1. Several decades ago, when women after Cesarean section were 2 weeks in intensive care, and brought children to them only on feeding, at many breast milk really vanished. Today the child is quite often put to a breast directly in an operbloka, and to the end of the first day after Cesarean section the woman already is in the general office near the child. Stimulation of a nipple and sucking intensify production of prolactin - the hormone which is responsible for a sufficient lactation.
2. Colostrum and mature milk really can come on couple of days later. In it there is no trouble, from an adequate supplementary feeding if the child is really hungry, it is not necessary to refuse. At the child forces will remain, he will not lose flesh. Often milk is late at women who did not receive parenteral nutrition in the first day after operation if to the woman intravenously nutritious solutions were entered, and operation took place without complications, milk will arrive on time. At big blood loss breast milk is late too. If mom feels bad, first of all it is necessary to restore her state, and then already to adjust breastfeeding. The hungry, tired and badly feeling woman will not be able to nurse. In case the child is forced to be in children's office, it is necessary to use a milk pump: the personnel will be able to feed him with the decanted milk, and mom to stimulate a lactation.
3. After transfer to the general office you hold the child on hands more often, put it to a breast, especially at night. Prolactin is more actively produced at night, reaching peak values at 2-4 o'clock in the morning. Try to have a rest more, you sleep when the kid sleeps, but do not talk by phone to relatives. Use of disposable diapers already in maternity hospital allows to minimize loadings on child care as result it better and longer sleeps, mom does not need to change everyone a quarter of hour of a diaper. If you badly feel, do not hesitate to bring at several o'clock the child to children's office. Feed him before it and you lay down to have a rest.
4. The teas stimulating a lactation, wearing special linen for the feeding women, often fractional food improve inflow of milk. Fat nuts, condensed milk, large volumes of butter and other national methods worsen comprehensibility of milk, it becomes too fat, the child can have an abdominal distension. There are special nutritious mixes for the feeding mothers. This modern clinical nutrition, with the high content of protein. It allows mom to receive qualitative food that too affects a lactation.
5. On arrival from maternity hospital home it is necessary to continue to have the tea stimulating a lactation more often to have a rest, to leave a part of household chores for later and to attract relatives. If there is an opportunity, it is possible to use services of the coming assistant. By scientists it is proved that the joint dream improves a lactation. If you decide to take this advice, practice a joint dream in the afternoon, stack the child on a breast or a stomach and do not swaddle him that the kid could be removed from you. The choice of a convenient pose for feeding, will allow mom to have a rest at that time while the kid eats. The centers of breastfeeding working at policlinics help women to adjust a lactation competently. In them the free help within compulsory health insurance is provided, employees have medical education and completed necessary qualification courses.