Sometimes in life there are such situations when one person wants to suspend all the relations with another, having stopped communicating with him. However not all want to leave enemies. For this reason it is necessary to consider several ways as it is polite to stop communicating with any given person as the competent refusal in communication will allow to save "face" and not to acquire the worst enemies.
Whether really it is necessary to stop communicating?
Before taking so radical measures, it is necessary to weigh all pros and cons, having understood own soul. Perhaps, the person who yaro does not want to communicate more with the friend or the friend nursed on him some temporary grievance, as generates thoughts of the communication termination in his consciousness. You should not drive horses! Perhaps, this offense it is possible to forgive. If there is no other exit except break in relations, then it is necessary to stop communication with the person, whenever possible, in a polite form not to make enemies.
How to cease to communicate with the person?
It is polite to talk to the person. It is, perhaps, the most plain way solving a problem of the relations with the objectionable person. For example, two men can just talk with each other, dot one's "i's" and cross one's "t's". Both women, and children can make the same. Here the psychological effect will work: the fact that do not want to communicate with the person will force it to become above "opponent" and not to bother it any more.
Not to make the first contact. Often it helps friendship to fade. If one person does not wish to communicate more with another, then he needs just to stop contacting to him. Not to make contact, so to ignore both personal contact, and phone calls and even communication on social networks (by e-mail). However such way does not guarantee a polite rupture of the interpersonal relations. Not to respond to invitations. This way will allow two people to stop communication among themselves in a polite form. The main thing that needs to be done, is to reject any invitations from the friend, referring to any given employment. The relations in most cases stop by itself. It is possible to reject invitations, finding for this purpose more thorough reasons and explaining them that everything was "frankly" (a trip to fishing, a campaign to relatives for birthday, etc.). Feedback from delay. Some people break off the relations with objectionable to them friends, girlfriends or friends, defiantly responding to their messages on social networks (or on sms) with noticeable delay. Of course, absolutely it is not necessary to ignore messages, but to respond here to them with a delay in 1-2 days moreover and it is not verbose - here the truth! In this case the objectionable interlocutor will begin or send the messages less frequently, or in general at once will stop doing it.