How to support thirst for creativity in the child

How to support thirst for creativity in the child

All parents want their child to be talented. But as there are not enough children, growing, lose the abilities! It is known that the talent develops through creativity. So, to develop talent, it is necessary to support the initiative and thirst for creativity in the child.

1. The main condition for creativity – a comfortable psychological situation for classes. It means that it is always necessary to find the words of support for the ideas of the child, to treat his projects with interest and sympathy, to create the necessary atmosphere for creativity.

2. To failures of the child it is necessary to show sympathy. It is impossible to express constantly results of creativity disapprovingly as in that case the child will draw a conclusion that kind of he tried, the result will not be satisfactory. It is important that the child was able to cope with bad mood and negative emotions.

3. The "strange" ideas of the child have to be accepted with patience. It is necessary to try to find in them rational grain, but not to announce the idea "nonsense", etc. at all.

4. Children can ask a set of various questions. Sometimes it bothers, but it is not necessary to show it to the child. On the contrary, it is necessary to enjoy its aspiration to learn the world.

5. Excessive guardianship prevents creativity. Therefore it is necessary to leave periodically the child of one and to allow it to be engaged independently in affairs.

6. It is necessary to teach the child to respect the point of view of other people then he will be respected. This rule works also for parents as they are a role model for the child.

7. Parents should show the identity, without being afraid to be at the same time "not as all". Each talented person met the extraordinary persons who had strong impact on its further activity in the life. Parents can quite be such persons for the children.

8. It is known that many great discoveries are often made spontaneously, thanks to an intuition, inspiration. Thus, it is worth teaching the child to rely in the course of creativity not only on reason, but also on an intuition.

9. In order that activity was not killed by something foreign, it is necessary to teach the child to allocate the main thing in its work.

10. If the child has a friend or the girlfriend with similar interests and the level of development, he will never feel lonely and unrecognized.

11. At last, it is necessary to explain to the child that his hobby is a part of a difficult life of human society and to teach to distinguish in this life good and fine.

But the most important – the child has to be sure of love and respect from the parents. These feelings have to be expressed openly at least because the children confident in love of parents develop quicker. And then unique abilities, from the birth, inherent in each child, will surely be shown.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
