Training in playing a piano – business of any day. On it months and years will leave, the help of experienced teachers and existence of the good tool will be required. However you quite can conduct acquaintance of the child to a piano independently, and if it passes successfully, it is possible to address to musical educational institution for further training.
It is required to you
- Self-instruction manual of playing a piano.
1. The first impression of the tool has to be positive. When the child takes seat for a piano, it is important that the chair was comfortable, sufficient height, without armrests, and legs rested either against a floor, or against a special footboard. Let's the child get acquainted with keys, to make out them, to touch them, to listen and compare their sounding. Only after that it is possible to start the first occupation.
2. Pay attention to movements of the young musician. Fingers should be put on keys from above, firm and at the same time smooth movement. Position of a hand – is not less important. The brush has to be rounded. At first it is possible to enclose a bulb or apple that the young musician remembered this state in a palm. The wrist should not fall lower than the level of keys. Elbows are slightly taken to the parties, but not strained. The bearing is strictly direct, shoulders are straightened. It is important to acquire it still before the child learns musical notation.
3. You approach theoretical classes in studying notes creatively, turn them into a fascinating game for the kid. For example, suggest the musician to find and compare notes in the textbook and on keys. Give interpretation of their names, tell about division of keys into octaves. Explain designations of a fingering. Piano notes allocate a thumb in the form of unit, index - the two, etc. From the first classes the child has to understand and use a fingering correctly.
4. In comprehension of musical notation not to do also without explanation of dlitelnost and the periods. Demonstrate what is the whole note as it looks and sounds, then you pass to halves and chetvertushka. It is easy to show it on the example of division into 2, 4, 8 parts of orange or apple.
5. You pass to exercises. Execute the same loss with the child in turn the left and right hand. Try searches. And only after sure execution of searches by each hand separately it is possible to start development of a game in two hands and to studying chords.
6. There is a lot of techniques of training in musical notation. The child easily studies also through color "assistants" (coloring of notes in different flowers), and through associations – figurative "assistants", and playing from dictation, on letters, on hearing. Any technique of acquaintance to a piano - result of long work, personal experience of the teacher or parent. There are nuances in pedagogical receptions which not to reflect in brochures and self-instruction manuals, they actually are under construction on an intuition.