Each parent has to know how it is possible in the available ways to stop the begun cold at the child if it is not complicated by other symptoms. But it is anyway better to work, having consulted to the pediatrician.
It is required to you
- - sea salt;
- - garlic;
- - sosudosuzhayushchy drops;
- - Gold Star balm.
1. Hang up davlenny garlic near the child's bed: these can stop or facilitate the begun cold. To humidify mucous and to get rid of microbes, wash out to the baby a nose cavity: in each nostril dig 2-3 drops of solution of sea salt (on liter of boiled water – one teaspoon of salt). After burying the kid prochikhatsya, and the collected slime easily will be removed.
2. Use sosudosuzhayushchy drops, but with care. The medicines "Otrivin", "Navizin", "Naftizin" can be applied, but 2 - 3 times a day and no more than five days are not more often: they will reduce hypostasis mucous a nose, will help the child to fall asleep, will calm him. Well helps at nachinayushchmsya cold the medicine "Derinat", it has no contraindications for children. If there are symptoms of a bacterial infection, use Protalgol. Before burying drugs surely wash out to the child a nose, remove slime, otherwise drops will follow.
3. It is very important to provide to the kid plentiful drink. Often at cold it is necessary to breathe through a nose, at such breath a lot of moisture is lost. And without moisture slime and together with it – an infection will not be removed. Therefore take care also of damp air in the room.
4. For the night steam legs and the child's handles, having pulled on them after that warm mittens and socks. To Chtobymalysh in a dream it was breathed better, raise the top part of a bed (add one more pillow). Well inhalation helps. Spread with Gold Star balm postyn from inner side (that ointment could not get on mucous remains of a nose).