How to treat the beginning cough at children

How to treat the beginning cough at children

Children Hits: 74

Doctors call cough a protective reflex which arises when sensitive receptors in a trachea, a throat or bronchial tubes are irritated. Its treatment differs depending on type of cough and the cause.


1. Try to prevent development of cough. If you noticed that the child got sick with ORZ or a SARS, give him immunomodulators. Such medicines as Derinat, Viferon, Kipferon, "Interferon", Anaferon, "Arbidol", etc. belong to them. What exactly to choose from this list - a difficult question. On each person, especially small, the means strengthening immunity influence differently. Listen that will be advised by the doctor. Or use already checked medicine.

2. If cough began suddenly, check whether the kid choked with something. Specify at it or at relatives, than he was engaged before it. Gently, but strongly knock on a back. If other symptoms do not appear, and the severe cough does not stop, urgently go to emergency station. There will take a foreign matter from airways of the child.

3. If the kid sluggish, he has temperature and cold, prior to a visit of the doctor officinal herbs will help to cope with the illness. Make in a glass of boiled water 2 tablespoons of leaves of a plantain, coltsfoots, a thyme or special chest collecting from pharmacy. Insist 20 minutes. Filter broth and dilute with boiled water of room temperature. Herbal tea will clean bronchial tubes. Besides, give to drink the child hot milk with honey. Folk remedies can be applied practically at any diagnosis: at ORZ, bronchitis or even pneumonia.

4. Give mukolitichesky a sredtv if the disease began with dry cough. It is especially painful and can not allow the child to sleep or cause vomiting. Use ACC, "Bromhexine", licorice root tincture, Mukaltin which promote fluidifying of a phlegm. Dissolve the powder "ACC" in water. It is easy to give it to kids as he often is pleasant fruit taste. Choose "Bromhexine" in the form of syrup. Children drink a dragee or solution less willingly. The tablet "Mukaltina" should be parted in a glass of water, but on taste it is not really pleasant. Give licorice root syrup if you want to combine the mukolitichesky and immunomodelling action. All these medicines are allowed for treatment of children.

5. If dry cough exhausted the child, use non-narcotic protivokashlevy means. Give to the patient of medicine, the containing active ingredients glautsin, okseladin or butamirat. The principle of effect of such medicines is based that they block kashlevy a reflex at the level of a brain. But to them there does not occur accustoming. Though similar medicines are rather safe, it is better that they were registered by the doctor.

6. At severe cold use the combined medicines. Such means as "Kodelak-fito" or "Doctor Mom" at the same time possess protivokashlevy, mukolitichesky, expectorant, bronkholitichesky and anti-inflammatory action.

7. Urgently call the doctor if cough began at the baby about one year or at the child with chronic diseases. There is a serious reason for concern if at the kid temperature over 38 degrees rose or short wind developed.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
