All new mummies know that process of establishing breastfeeding labor-consuming and sometimes long. The woman can not have enough milk for good nutrition of the baby. Many of them do not even suspect about it, and having only come to reception to the pediatrician, learn that the kid for the first month of life did not put on weight at all.
1. There are several criteria of determination of sufficiency of breast milk for the baby. If you had doubts concerning whether the baby gorges on, it is necessary to track the frequency of urinations of the child. The full kid pisat not less than 10 times a day. For this purpose leave the kid without diaper and you watch how often films will be wet. If to the child milk suffices, its urine will be light and almost flavourless. Otherwise urine has a pungent characteristic smell, it has brightly yellow color.
2. The main criterion defining sufficiency of breast milk for the kid is the increase in weight. As a rule, the child restores the physiological loss which happened in the first days of life in two weeks. For the first month the kid has to gain not less than 600-700 grams. If your kid often urinates and well puts on weight, with confidence it is possible to tell that it has enough milk.
3. Sometimes mummies feel excessive concern about satiety of the baby. Even if the child puts on weight a little, does not mean yet that it lacks milk. The kid does not remain hungry if by the end of feeding he falls asleep, does not feel concern at meal time, does not throw a breast and does not cry.
4. If the kid maintains intervals between feedings, then, perhaps, he also full. But even if the kid wakes up often, it not always means that he wants to eat. Happens that the baby is tormented by gripes, he just wants to stay with mom, to feel her smell and heat.
5. Besides, sign of sufficient nutrition is concentration, color and a smell of a chair. If it not too dense, yellow color, has a smell of sour milk, then it is probable, the kid gorges on. The chair of the hungry child has brownish color and more dense consistence. However by these criteria it is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about sufficiency of milk, unlike the first two. Therefore if you had doubts in satiety of yours of the baby, pay attention to all criteria in total, analyze, observe behavior of the child, if necessary address the consultant for breastfeeding.