How to write characteristic on trustees

How to write characteristic on trustees

Characteristic on trustees can be necessary in committee of social protection of the population, department of affairs of minors and protection of their rights and in other organizations. The tutor of the child or the chief of the trustee writes it most often. Can ask to write such characteristic and the senior on the house. There is no rigid form for this document, it is formed as well as any other characteristic, but it is necessary to pay attention to a number of the moments.

Characteristic from the teacher

In characteristic on trustees it is necessary to pay the greatest attention to that, what do they think of the child. Write since what time sponsored visits your class or group. Tell whether he experienced difficulties during adaptation as it looks whether cultural and hygienic skills are created at it. Note the level of development of the child, his communicativeness, the relations with adults and with other children. Tell how willingly trustees make contact with teachers whether they are interested in progress and failures of the child.

Even the ideal child has in life negative points. Describe how trustees treat such moments whether adjust behavior of the child and if yes, that in what way. Note as far as they are benevolent to sponsored and to other children. Characteristic so is made out. From above write document title, is slightly lower – on whom this document is made, that is "on Maria Ivanovna Ivanova, Petya Sergeyev's trustee". Further type the text made by you. Under it date, the signature and its interpretation. It is possible to specify for what characteristic is made.

Characteristic from the chief

As well as in the previous case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the trustee's attitude towards the child. But as the teacher and the tutor, you, most likely, do not know this child. Therefore tell about sincere and professional qualities of the person on whom you write characteristic. Specify since what moment you know it how he proved at work what its relations with other members of collective whether it differs in the qualities necessary for education of the child – responsibility, kindness, desire to understand other people as far as it konflikten whether he tends to addictions. Issue characteristic just as in the previous case.

Characteristic from the chairman of the board of the house

To ask characterize trustees can also the chairman of the board of the house or the senior on an entrance. In this case you are hardly well informed on professional qualities of trustees, but see their attitude towards the child, approximately know a situation in family. Also write about it. Tell since what moment the family lives in your house whether you came into their apartment and what received an impression. Describe in what situations you saw the child – whether always he is under supervision whether it is tidily dressed whether it has toys and books, whether good it has relations with other children in the yard. Do not forget to note, whether a quiet situation in family.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
