If you decided to give the daughter on rhythmic gymnastics"

If you decided to give the daughter on rhythmic gymnastics"

Rhythmic gymnastics fine, harmonious and very womanly sport. Girls who do this sport it is visible from far away. They are distinguished by an excellent bearing, graceful gait, even some other look, on the one hand, gentle, and with another - strong and sure.

Girls accept on rhythmic gymnastics absolutely still babies, aged 4-5lt. Of course, at such early age of occupation are a little similar to trainings of their senior girlfriends, but the trainer try to involve gradually them to the world of beauty and harmony. The training at kids consists of the general warm-up, then there is an extension, girls learn to do the bridge, to somersault, stretches out and finishes occupation – work with objects. In rhythmic gymnastics work with five objects: jump rope, ball, hoop, maces and tape. Kids begin to be engaged only with a jump rope and a ball. One or two times a week choreographic classes on which reversible legs learn to pull girls beautifully are, to hold a bearing, to do smooth and graceful movements by hands.

How to understand whether your girl is suitable for occupations such sport? Very simply: You need to come to a training and to show the child to the trainer. The trainer, first of all, pays attention to a figure. The girl has to be slender, impressive. Checks further as far as the child flexible as feet last, surely specifies at parents whether was at the girl in the childhood of problems with joints. Gymnastic activity is categorically contraindicated to children who in infancy carried stirrups.

Of course, parents should be ready in advance to the fact that subsequently a baby is expected by a hard work. Heavy in every respect, and physically and in moral. In professional sport only the strongest survive. Trainings of adult gymnasts reach till 8 o'clock in day, 6 times a week. But those who want to achieve success live gymnastics. These girls, as though from other world, they have other values, dreams. The most important – at them is the purpose in life. Also this sport considers elite as it demands big financial expenses. Trainings, objects, bathing suits, trips to competitions, all this at the expense of parents.

If you decided to give the child on rhythmic gymnastics just for the general development, and you do not need ranks and results, then it will bring to the girl huge plus. The child will teach to move beautifully under any music, to be self-assured, achieve goals and the figure will be such that it is only possible to envy, a lot of things give all this for life.

Who after all becomes champions? These are children with strong character, persistence. It is not enough to have excellent physical training, it is beautiful to move on a carpet, it was able to handle objects. It is necessary to be able to leave and prove everything that you are the best. The rhythmic gymnastics now extremely popular sport and is a lot of girls which are engaged in it. But only units become champions.

Try, do not lose chance, perhaps, at you future Olympic champion grows.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
