Necessary vitamins for pregnant women

Necessary vitamins for pregnant women

 Vitamins are necessary for each person for full-fledged health, and for women who are going to become mothers and are responsible for two at once, good vitamins are necessary surely. Even if you the adherent of healthy nutrition, then processing of products temperature, their wrong storage, use of a large amount of fertilizers — all this promotes destruction of a large amount of nutrients, so necessary for the woman who is in the family way.

The recommended vitamins

During incubation of the child at the woman work of all organism reconstructs, processes of a metabolism sharply amplify and, respectively, there are changes in bodies and fabrics. And pregnant women need to accept the vitamins necessary for good and trouble-free operation of an organism. Doctors make recommendations for administration of drugs in such cases:

  • bad food;
  • the postponed diseases with the shortage of iron and B12 vitamin;
  • to the woman in labor in 30 years;
  • if earlier pregnancy came to an end with an abortion or was interrupted;
  • exhaustion and decrease in immunity;
  • problems with heart and stomach;
  • in a womb not one child develops;
  • when developing cold on any term.

The need for nutrients during this period doubles. Today in the pharmaceutical market there is a large amount of medicines for women who decided to become mothers. What to choose from them?

They can be divided into classes:

  1. Economic — the medicines Alphabet Mother's Health, Komplivit Mother. The practicing experts came to opinion that here vitamins are not enough, it is necessary to expand quantity of elements.
  2. Average — the vitamin complexes Vitrum Prenatat, Multi-tabs Perinatat. As a part of 11 elements and 9 minerals.
  3. Premium — such medicines as Vitrum prenatat forte, Menisan mother. Contains 11 elements and 6 minerals, it is possible to accept on all term of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Whether you know? The first B1 vitamin (called so today) was received in 1911 by Pole Kazimir Funk, and only in 1912 it was officially given the name vitamin, or vital amine.

Norm of doses of consumption of vitamins

The woman who is going to become mother wants to pick up the most optimum vitamin complex which will accept all nine months. But it is necessary to know that on different terms of pregnancy the organism needs various vitamins differing on dosages. When choosing medicines it is necessary to be guided by the maximum norm of an element which should not be exceeded.

It is important to know whether men need to accept vitamins before conception.


  • And — 900 mkg;
  • B9 — 600 mkg;
  • B12 — 4 mkg;
  • With — 100 mkg;
  • D — 10 mkg;
  • E — 15 mkg;
  • To — 65 mkg;
  • RR — 21 mkg.


  • iron — 30 mg;
  • calcium — 25 mg;
  • zinc — 15 mg;
  • iodine — 200 mg.

The doctor has to select any medicine, considering structure and need of application on each term of pregnancy. The excess of vitamins is also harmful, as well as a shortcoming.

All know that at pregnancy the excessive physical activities are contraindicated therefore it is important to know whether it is possible and how to play sports, yoga at pregnancy.

The 1st trimester

For pregnant women in the 1st trimester minerals — iodine and potassium, vitamins A, With, group B, E are the best:

  • Vitamin A — helps cages to share and carries them on an organism. Still it is necessary for formation of a skeleton, eyes and nervous system. Norm of intake of Retinolum: before conception — 5000 ME, during incubation of the child — 2500 ME. Is in such products as a liver, cod-liver oil, a mountain ash, paprika, tomatoes, carrots. As Retinolum is digested only with fat, vegetables need to be used with sour cream, and fruit — with cream. Excess of a dose of medicine is inadmissible as at a fruit the heart disease can develop and there will be violations in formation of nervous system.
  • B9 vitamin — belongs to important elements at pregnancy on early terms. Folic acid promotes faster reproduction of cages, development of a placenta, transfer of the correct genetic information, formation of a nervous tube of a fruit. The daily volume of this element in the first 3 months is from 400 to 800 mkg. This element contains in a Brussels sprout, salad, haricot, a liver, nuts and other products. B9 is acquired from food for 50% therefore for replenishment of necessary norm it is necessary to take the drug in tablets, such as Folic acid, Mamifol. Intake of medicine is begun in 90 days prior to planning of conception and finished after the 1st trimester.

Important! Shortage in an organism of the woman of folic acid is the reason of reduction of hemoglobin in blood and, respectively, oxygen starvation of the formed cells of a brain of the child.

  • Vitamin C — the element supporting the immune system is normal, takes part in formation of a placenta and cover of fetal egg. Norm of ascorbic acid — 100 mg. A large number of this element contains in a citrus, a dogrose, paprika. Too large amount of ascorbic acid causes its strong filtration in a placenta, and the overdose can not allow to receive vitamin to the kid.
  • Vitamin F, or Omega-3 — on the importance for future mothers costs on the 2nd place. It is necessary for strengthening of the immune system and participates in construction of cells of a brain, retina of eyes and blood vessels of future child. This element contains in fat grades of fishes (mackerel, a salmon, a trout, herring), cod-liver oil, olive oil, walnuts and other products. The medicine Omega-3 can be bought in drugstore and to begin reception prior to pregnancy, continuing to accept during feeding by a breast, surely having consulted with the doctor.

Whether you know? In Great Britain the researches conducted within 15 years on reception Omega-3 by the women who are in situation yielded result that children were born with high mental abilities.

  • Vitamin E — is necessary for control of women's hormones. It is extremely important as in these terms is responsible for development of a placenta and does not give the chance to accept a germ as something others. Every day the norm of reception is 15 mg. The richest products on contents are beef liver, eggs, meat. Also vitamin is in greens, tomatoes, vegetable oils. It is necessary to accept it together with the ascorbic acid which is in fresh vegetables and fruit.

The 2nd trimester

In the 2nd trimester for reception as pregnant best vitamins and minerals are considered:

  • All vitamins accepted in the first 90 days.
  • Iodine — the element important on all terms of incubation of the child, but especially on term 12–24 weeks as he is responsible for work of a thyroid gland and mother, and a fruit. Iodine helps strengthening of bones of a skeleton of the kid and intellectual development. The norm of this element is 250 mg a day. The lack of iodine leads to failure in work of a thyroid gland at the woman in labor, the slackness and weakness is observed, and at the kid the development slows down. Because of a lack of this element there can be a threat of an abortion. Iodine contains in sea salt, seafood, a dried fig and a laminaria. The deficiency of this microcell can also be filled up with the tablets bought in drugstore.

Important! Iodine collapses when heating therefore the sparing heat treatment is necessary for products with its contents.

  • Calcium — the microcell necessary in two trimesters, but especially in the 2nd as it is very important for creation of bones, teeth, the correct formation of an endocrine system and kidneys. Blood clotting depends on this microcell too. In day the norm of calcium has to be 1500 mg. It is possible to receive it at intake of fermented milk products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir), almonds, processed cheese, porridge, haricot. It is necessary to apply the medicines Kaltsemin, Vitrum Osteomag to obtaining necessary standard daily rate, etc. The lack of an element slows down development of a skeleton of the kid, and bones of mother become weak, and the disease of bones — osteoporosis can develop. Digestion of calcium is interfered by greasy food, coffee, carbonated drinks. Assimilation is helped by vitamin D therefore in pharmaceutical medicines these two elements are combined.
  • Iron — the microcell which is in composition of hemoglobin which, in turn, is responsible for transfer of oxygen on an organism of mother and child. The norm of an element is 30 mg a day. At the shortage of iron there is a hemoglobin falling, and the fruit begins to suffer a shortage of oxygen. Anemia develops. For the correct development of the kid in mother's womb her organism creates in addition 1 liter of blood. At deficiency of iron it will be just impossible. Also the shortage of an element which participates in the structure of muscles can serve emergence of the raised uterus tone that, in turn, can become the abortion reason. It is necessary to eat veal, meat of a turkey, rabbit, fish and eggs. From vegetable food iron is almost not acquired therefore these products do not count. At problem pregnancy the gynecologist appoints medicines with iron content, such as Ferrum Lek and Maltofer where the risk of overdose of iron is brought to naught.

Important! Ascorbic acid helps good comprehensibility of iron, and zinc and copper — on the contrary, disturb. Therefore it is necessary to use these elements separately. The excess of iron reduces zinc content in an organism.

The 3rd trimester

The 3rd trimester is the most responsible phase of pregnancy, and at the same time vitamins A, C, D, K and iron are necessary:

  • Vitamin D — the element participating in development of bones of the child. The standard daily rate is 10 mkg. This element is developed in an organism under the influence of sunlight therefore in warm season its deficiency is not had if the pregnant woman implements the recommendations of the doctor and daily walks in the fresh air. During the winter period it is necessary to eat in small amounts fat sea fish, butter, cheese, mushrooms and dairy products.
  • Vitamin K — improves blood clotting that is especially important last weeks pregnancies. Norm of an element — 65 mg a day. The lack of vitamin promotes spontaneous bleedings, and the surplus threatens with formation of blood clots. Vikasolum contains in sheet greens, cereals, meat, milk and fruit (banana, a kiwi, avocado).
  • Calcium — a dose should be reduced half, after the 32nd week additional reception of an element to exclude and reduce consumption of food with its high content.

Whether you know? In In 400 kg of a liver of a whale contains Retinolum as much how many in 5 million eggs.

The healthy lifestyle, the balanced food and reception of the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes recommended by the attending physician will allow you not only to leave normally all term of pregnancy, but also to enjoy fully motherhood, having given birth to the healthy kid.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
