Pneumonia symptoms at small children

Pneumonia symptoms at small children

Children Hits: 73

Pneumonia or pneumonia – the artful disease affecting respiratory organs. It is fraught with many complications, especially at early age when immunity the weakest and defenseless. It is important to diagnose as soon as possible a disease and to start its treatment.

Features of development of a disease at children's age

It is the most difficult to diagnose pneumonia for children up to 3 years as the disease begins to be shown on signs, similar to other illnesses, and the child is not able to describe the feelings. At this age the child has still short and quite narrow airways with a gentle mucous membrane therefore respiratory organs are very susceptible to distribution of inflammatory process.

Is available for kids poorly developed chest with horizontal position of edges that provides insufficient ventilation of lungs. In the lower and back departments often there is a stagnation of blood because of carrying out by the child a large number of time in lying situation. Against the background of it children often there are atelektaza – airless departments of pulmonary fabric where usually freely and bacteria develop, inevitably causing inflammation of respiratory bodies.

There are separate factors contributing to the development of pneumonia in small children whom treat:

Most often pneumonia arises within several days after the beginning of a sharp respiratory infection. Against the background of ORZ there is a fast activization of bacterial flora that promotes destruction by viruses of protective barriers of airways and lungs. Different types of bacteria, for example, streptococci and pneumococci get into respiratory organs, as leads pneumonia to development. In some cases the disease is a consequence of the general weakness of immunity due to influence of a virus of flu.

Pneumonia symptoms

At the initial stage of spread of an infection the following symptoms are observed:

Gradually at the child temperature, as a rule, up to 38 degrees rises. Fast emergence of symptoms of an infection of airways becomes the most important factor of pneumonia: nasal breath is at a loss, the child begins to sneeze often, there is almost not stopping dry cough. In the field of a nasolabial triangle the hypostasis develops. It should be noted that during flu or usual ORZ these signs are shown much later and usually against the background of retreat of an infection.

Further at the child the increase of breath and violation of its rhythm is observed. Wings of a nose turn pale, become intense and almost motionless. In certain cases there are foamy allocations from a mouth, short wind is observed. Integuments of the sick child become grayish. Almost completely vanishes mobility, and the most part of time children spend in an uneasy dream.

Types of pneumonia

In medicine several types of pneumonia depending on the inflammation center sizes are allocated:

Besides, allocate acute and long pneumonias. In the first case the disease lasts up to six weeks, and in the second – more long term.

Diagnosis of pneumonia in medical conditions

Irrespective of the nature of course of a disease, existence or lack of strong indications of pneumonia of the child it is necessary to show to the doctor surely. Success of treatment of a disease in many respects depends on correct and in time the carried-out medical diagnostics. It is very dangerous to begin treatment of the child independently and, especially, to write off a picture for a usual indisposition or the harmless phenomena, for example, a teething. It is forbidden to use the febrifugal, coughing-up and antibacterial means without medical instruction, otherwise it will be impossible to avoid deterioration.

The pediatrician is capable to define a state respiratory and other systems of an organism of the child by means of a phonendoscope. At the same time the area of a thorax begins to be listened with heart. Previously the child needs to be calmed, otherwise crying and the general nervous tension will muffle a heartbeat rhythm. If at diagnostics obvious noise, violations of a warm rhythm are traced, it becomes the first sign of presence of a disease.

Further the doctor starts listening of a respiratory system. At children too silent breath is often observed therefore to make it more accurate and clear, the easy tickling can be applied. After that for some time the breath becomes deeper and more noticeable. At these moments the crying which is capable to show features of breath of the child in addition is allowed.

For production of the correct diagnosis of the doctor carries out probing and listening of a thorax and also such additional methods as a X-ray analysis, the general blood test. Detailed poll of parents for identification of features of infection with an infection and also course of a disease in recent days is carried out. Only complex assessment of an organism of the sick child allows to establish precisely the indisposition reason taking into account all main methods.

At identification melkoochagovy pneumonia or segmentary pneumonia treatment is recommended to be carried out in house conditions. In case of heavier and long pneumonia the child is located in a hospital. For treatment are used infusional and respiratory therapy on the basis of inhalations of special mixes and intake of the suitable coughing-up drugs. In critical situations the artificial ventilation of lungs is appointed. The child is given immunomodulators. Antibiotics are appointed only in extreme cases not to do harm to an organism of the kid. Fortunately, in most often timely recognition of a disease and in time the rendered treatment provide a happy end.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
