You so long wait for it, intruding upon the leisure, it such unpredictable, it is forced to fight your heart much quicker, you cannot think more of anything, your thoughts are concentrated only on it – on your first date. You begin to prepare for it about the registered day much earlier, scroll various variations of its carrying out in the head.
The most interesting and surprising is that to expect development of a date happens or is unreal, or very much and very difficult and it is impossible to do everything "on a leaflet" for certain with rare exception. But nevertheless to get acquainted with separate councils for carrying out and preparation for the first date will not do much harm – and suddenly something and it is required?
"The meeting place cannot be cancelled …"
You puzzle: "Where to go on a date?" Choose better the banal and checked by experience such options as evening walk on a nature bosom, a standard dinner in some small and cozy cafe, a session at movie theater or an easy piknichok in the local park. Do not forget, you are still so poorly familiar to organize some extreme and fascinating dates. The house dinner approaches all for the same reason a little too …
Here again ill luck: "And what time to appoint for a meeting?" The evening atmosphere is filled with romanticism, it disposes to intim more considerably. But it does not mean in any way that in the morning it is impossible to make a date!
Wishes for a fine half
As a rule, the place where there will be all date, the guy has to offer. The girl needs to note only couple of moments. Do not agree about the first date in very strange place (at the guy at home, for example, or in the suspicious poorly populated area) - you do not know that this person represents really, you do not know what is created in the head of your new gentleman... If you have the choice (and the choice has to be always and under any conditions!), give preference to the easiest option – and the atmosphere of romanticism and an extreme will wait prior to future dates.
Wishes for the stronger sex
Being in thoughts about the choice of the place of the first date, think whether you will be able to pay it? It was from time immemorial accepted that the young man always pays for the beloved at restaurant. But on the other hand, to you it is not necessary to surprise narrowed by big money too – it is not necessary to indulge her later couple of days of acquaintance. For a good first impression will be just good small surprises enough.