Tests Ravenna: how to carry out and decipher?

Tests Ravenna: how to carry out and decipher?

Tests Ravenna allow to check the level of development of thinking and mental abilities. This technique of assessment of children's and adult intelligence is widely used by teachers around the world.

Description of tests

Tests Ravenna (tests standard progressive matrixes Ravenna) were created for differentiation of children on the level of their intellectual development. Their author - John Raven. The unique technique won popularity thanks to high degree of reliability and simplicity in application. It is used by teachers when determining ability of children to training, assessment of their abilities. There are several types of the test. In spite of the fact that initially the technique was developed only for diagnosing of intelligence of children, subsequently it was added. Teenagers and adults can also pass tests, but already with the complicated tasks. For more exact diagnostics the experts thought up coefficient of adjustment for age. 

For passing of the test it is necessary to perform tasks of different complexity. At the same time complication of tasks happens gradually. Children who can logically think have every chance for the successful decision. The graphic objects having certain signs for interpretation are presented in tests. The task of the examinee is to analyze figures and images, to find in them similar lines and also the absent links for end of composition. This technique is good the fact that the level of cultural development of the child or adult is not important for successful passing of testing. 

Tests Ravenna are ordered in 5 series, each of which consists of 12 problems of different level of complexity. 20 minutes are allocated for passing of all test. Possibly and lifting of restrictions on time, but in this case the result will be interpreted a little differently and it will be required to apply special tables to interpretation. 

It is possible to pass a test online, but for testing of children the teachers do not recommend this method. The expert who is carrying out the test has to explain an essence of tasks and receive confidence that it was understood. The color option of a technique is suitable for children at the age of 5-9 years. 

Stage-by-stage passing of tests

Testing is divided into 5 stages, each of which can be designated by certain Latin letters. 

  • series A: the child needs to understand what the interrelation between the offered pictures consists in then to add drawings with missing elements;
  • series B: it is necessary to understand what figures are similar;
  • series C: it is necessary to pick up missing fragments to the complicated figures;
  • series D: it is necessary to define how figures were rearranged (shift can happen as it is horizontal, and vertically);
  • series E: it is necessary to find parts of one drawing, having shown ability to the analysis and synthesis. 

Before giving the first task, the teacher has to specify that to begin to take a test it is possible only after his team. It is important if the research is group. It is ideal if on each series it is taken away approximately on 4 minutes, but this recommendation is not obligatory to performance. Less time for performance of any series of tests can be required by each child slightly more or, on the contrary. But the general period of time of test has to be for all uniform. When using a book form of the test it is impossible to see how the matrix with any given fragment inserted into its cut will look, can be a consequence of what not a really responsible attitude of some children to a task. 

Interpretation of tests

Interpretation of the test can happen from different positions:

  • assessment of quantity of the tasks solved correctly (the highest point - 10);
  • assessment of difficulty of tasks and correctness of answers (the highest point - 19);
  • the simplified analysis of answers (the highest point - 5);
  • quality standard of result. 

The professional educational psychologist can estimate quality of the received result. The expert analyzes how many answers were given correctly, how fast the child performed tasks. If answers were received very quickly, but many of them were not true, it demonstrates that the child impulsive, fast, wants to finish quicker begun, but does not think as far as it is correct. Slow, but the correct performance of tasks demonstrates tendency of the child to the analysis. 

The indicator of level of intellectual development (IQ) is calculated by a formula:  IQ = quantity of the correct answers/60 * 100. After calculation it is necessary to compare the received result to a special scale. 

According to the test Ravenna IQ in points about 5 levels of development are estimated:

  • very high (result higher than 95);
  • above the average (74-94);
  • average (24-73);
  • below an average (5-24);
  • defect of intelligence (lower than 5).

The dispersion of the got points in each level can be explained with the fact that a test is taken by children of different age - from 5 to 13 years. For each category there are standards therefore it is better to compare IQ indicator to average values for children of the age. 

Diagnostics allows to define abilities of the child and to understand as far as he suits any given way of training. Testing is quite often held at distribution of children on classes at school, if necessary to resolve an issue of the transfer of the child to school or a class of higher or, on the contrary, low level. Children who showed very weak result at execution of the test can be directed to passing of the special commission for definition in specialized educational institutions. 

Rules of passing of tests Ravenna adults same, as well as for basic (children's) option. But in this case it is necessary to consider adjustment for age. Over the years the ability of people to logical thinking considerably decreases. 

The specified extent of development of intelligence can be calculated on a formula IQ=IQ (standard) / specifying koeffitsent*100

For different age groups the following coefficients are accepted:

  • from 14 to 30 years - 100;
  • from 30 to 35 years - 97;
  • about 35 up to 40 years - 88;
  • from 40 to 45 years - 82;
  • from 45 to 50 years - 76;
  • from 50 to 60 years - 70;
  • 70 years - 60 are more senior. 

If after processing of the obtained data the IQ value does not exceed 20, it is possible to speak about heavy degree of weak-mindedness previously. Such state demands the address to the expert. 

The Ravenna test is rather exact, but it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to use only this method for an intelligence quotient of the child. The unsatisfactory result is not a sentence yet. Misunderstanding of an essence of tasks or feeling sick, nervousness can become the reason of receiving low marks. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
