Many parents are nervous when their children cry and try to understand why their beloved child without mood. However to decipher these signals not absolutely easily, especially for the firstborn's parents.
1. Hunger
Hunger - one of the reasons why babies cry. There are some signals which you can notice such as smackings.
2. Dirty diaper
One more of the reasons why babies cry - it is dirty diapers or a diaper. It is necessary to check a diaper periodically. For convenience it is possible to change diapers at the same time.
3. The child wants to sleep
We think that when children feel tired, they will sleep peacefully. However, it not always so. Sometimes from overfatigue the child on the contrary cannot fall asleep.
4. Wants on hands
Children are very sensitive to the environment. On the first year of life a lot of tactile contact is necessary for them. Many think that children will be spoiled if you hold them much on hands, but from it the child feels more quietly, therefore, and will behave is more balanced. Special backpacks kangaroos or a baby sling will help to facilitate this type of interaction.
5. Tummy problems
Problems with a stomach or digestion can be the cause of children's crying. It can be gases or gripes that makes your children restless. If during feeding the child shouts and fusses, it is quite probable that he has some problems connected with a stomach. As a rule, parents seek to give to the child of a drop of dill water for treatment of such pain. However you have to consult surely with the doctor to exclude more serious problems.
6. Too cold or too hot
When children feel cold or to them hot, they cry too. For example, when you change clothes or a dirty diaper, carry out by a clean cold napkin on a body. Of course, the child will react crying. When it is in too warm room or clothes, he also protests and cries. As a rule, children have to be in heat, but heat surplus is also not pleasant to them.
7. Teething
Teeth appear through gentle young gums, it is quite painful for children. As a rule, the first tooth will appear at a stage from 4 to 7 months.
8. The child wants less information
Children have to learn the world around, however there is a surplus of factors, such as sounds, light, noise. The child will cry to express that he does not want more more information you have to find to it the quiet place.
9. Feels unwell
If you try to calm the child, and all previous clauses are implemented, but he all the same cries, you have to call the doctor or bring the child to hospital.
So, what you have to do when your child cries? Try to keep calm that will help you to realize why your child cries. When children feel safe, they, as a rule, behave quietly. Therefore try to embrace, touch, stroke and talk to the child more often.