The clown juggler from cardboard

The clown juggler from cardboard

Do you love circus? Your child after visit of circus representations long time is under an impression? Organize a small show at home, having created the clown juggler. He juggles with multi-colored spheres, in rolm which multi-colored bulbs serve. When you turn a paper clip, concerning it a clip on the switch, chains of each of three bulbs in turn become isolated and they light up.

It is required to you

  • - box from under vermicelli
  • - white and black paper
  • - thin cardboard
  • - three bulbs on 1.5 V
  • - three cartridges for them
  • - wires
  • - battery on 1.5 V in the holder
  • - office paper clip
  • - four clips for papers
  • - felt-tip pen
  • - adhesive tape
  • - paints


1. First of all paint one bulb a red felt-tip pen and one - green.

2. Paste over a box in front with black paper. On white paper draw the clown and paint him. When dries, cut out and paste on black paper.

3. Cut out a piece of cardboard that entered a box. In a black wall pierce openings for the bulbs representing balls of the juggler. Through these openings make marks in cardboard.

4. Take out cardboard and paste an adhesive tape cartridges on marks. Attach to everyone to contact of cartridges a separate wire. Gather wires from one party of each boss and hardly twist their smoothed-out ends. And paste three other wires separately an adhesive tape in the bottom of a box.

5. Move a piece of cardboard with cartridges into a box. If cartridges do not get under openings, re-stick them. Then screw bulbs in cartridges through openings in a front wall.

6. Installation of the switch. Pierce one clip for papers through a square piece of cardboard. Put on it a paper clip. Add three more clips so that other end of a paper clip could concern each of them.

7. From one side of a box cut through an opening at a bottom. Remove through it three separate wires and attach each of them to legs of one of three free clips.

8. In a box attach twist of three wires to one end of the holder of the battery. Wind connection with an insulating tape that they did not disperse.

9. Miss a wire from the holder of the battery through an opening in a box. Wind the end of a wire around clip legs with a paper clip on the switch.

10. Stick with an insulating tape all connections, and then paste the switch an adhesive tape to a box side. Stick with an adhesive tape top and a bottom of a box with the battery inside.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
