Most of modern kids go to the first autotravel at the age of couple of days from the birth, at once after discharge from maternity hospital. According to traffic regulations, it is allowed to transport children only in the presence of a special car seat, and parents have to attend to the choice of this useful accessory even during pregnancy.
1. Times when at an exit from maternity hospital the nurse handed to parents the paper bag which is tied up by a bow from a blanket, practically sank Into oblivion. Parents dress modern newborns in panties, overalls or special envelopes with a cut for a belt, say, in any clothes allowing to transport the child in the car seat intended for babies at once.
2. When choosing the first car seat the parents have to pay attention to several criteria at once and the first of them is, oddly enough sounds, manufacturing firm. Children's safety - not that question on which it is worth saving. And let chairs of the Maxi-Cosi, Römer or Cybex brands are often much more expensive than their anonymous analogs, but in their price the numerous testings allowing to claim that in case of possible accident such chair as much as possible will execute the protective function are put. Such chair surely has to have a sticker reporting about compliance to the ECE-R 44-03 or ECE-R 44-04 standards.
3. The next, very important point is the group to which the car seat belongs. For babies only groups 0 and 0+ are considered as suitable. Such chairs represent themselves similarity of a basket with the handle, the movements established against the course. Such type of installation is chosen for the reason that the head of small children is happy is big, and in case of emergency braking has to have under itself a firm basis which will save it and cervical vertebras from damages.
4. Some parents have serious doubts whether it is convenient to their child in such chair and whether it will be better to give preference to the cradle going in a set to kolyasochny set. Estimated advantage of such cradle is that the child in it keeps within horizontally, and it is allegedly more convenient to lie in it to it, than to sit, having been double up in a car seat. But the thing is that in the correct chair the child does not sit at all, and reclines, leaning nevertheless on a back, but not on a basin. The legs raised to top at the same time do not disturb it at all. Moreover, such pose fiziologichny for the kid, in a womb he spent 9 months, having curled up that to it did not do much harm at all.