What characterizes the fourth week of pregnancy

What characterizes the fourth week of pregnancy

What changes on the fourth week of pregnancy happen at the woman and the fixed germ in a uterus and what it is worth being careful of on this period that there was no abortion.

By this period of pregnancy the germ was already fixed in a uterus. Now it every week will develop, and the woman will feel in herself growth of new life. Already point not strongly expressed signs and symptoms to pregnancy.

Some symptoms and signs of pregnancy on this term are similar to symptoms before periods. The woman has a nervousness, fast fatigue, irritability, changes of taste and nausea. Often the emotional background of the woman changes, at some women on the 4th week of feeling can be considerably expressed more: tearfulness, capriciousness, causeless offenses. It demonstrate that in a womb of the woman the embryo – future little man was equipped.

On the 4th week, mammary glands bulk up, nipples become sensitive and hurt. The reason of such morbidity of a breast – hormonal reorganization of an organism.

On this term there can be plentiful allocations of whitish or transparent color which do not have a smell. Emergence of these allocations is connected with hormonal reorganization. Normal on such term allocations without color or white, flavourless and reckon with dense consistence.

Bleeding on such term involves an abortion. It passes without pain, usually the woman does not even understand that she is pregnant and perceives bleeding for periods. Lead many adverse factors to an abortion: the infectious disease which is followed by high temperature, the increased physical activity and alcohol intake.

On the 4th week of pregnancy the test cannot define yet, the woman is pregnant or not. Blood test on HGCh will precisely yield positive result. As at this stage the cover of an embryo marks out a large number of HGCh in blood and the increased HGCh level in blood confirms pregnancy existence.

Quite often on the 4th week the stomach pulls and hurts, these pains are explained by changes in the woman's organism. The stomach can be ill and pull at those women at whom last periods were painful. But it is worth to remember also that the 4th week is a critical stage. Therefore nagging pains in the bottom of a stomach can demonstrate that the uterus tone is raised. Unfortunately, such pains can end with an abortion or the fading pregnancy.

On this term the common cold can even lead to dying down of pregnancy. But you should not be frightened at all. If there is no high temperature, then just lie down couple of days of the house and exclude campaigns in crowded places. Wash a nose with salty water, have warm tea with honey.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
