What drugs pregnant women can take

What drugs pregnant women can take

Pregnancy - the magnificent and memorable period in life of women. It is necessary to try to endure it as it is possible more quietly not to have on the little person in you negative impact.

Expectation of the kid

During pregnancy it is necessary to care for the health because during this period the use of medicines is undesirable because of a large amount of side effects attentively. But what to do if you after all caught cold and cold, at you the head ached, pressure rose or went down, or you have some chronic diseases – an allergy, diabetes or others?

What medicine can be taken in waiting time of the kid

In case of catarrhal diseases if you are tormented by a sore throat, you cough, cold, a headache and temperature developed, you can accept the following medicines: Otsillokoktsinum, Afflubin for removal of symptoms of cold, Aquamaris spray, drops nasal Pinosol, Derinat (also help to increase immunity), the pills "Sinupred" from cold and congestion of a nose.

At treatment of cough you will be helped by marsh-mallow syrup, Hexosprey, pastils and Doctor of MOM mixture, an inhaler "Bioparox", spray for rinsing of an oral cavity of Stopangin is allowed for application in the 2 and 3 trimester of pregnancy.

It is possible to apply paracetamol to elimination of a headache and temperature. For prevention of viral and catarrhal diseases ointment is harmless to future mothers of "Oksolinovaya". At heartburn and an abdominal distension drink Geviskon, Rennie without sugar, Espumizan will perfectly cope with a discomfort problem in intestines. Also "No-Spa" can help to save from head and other tonusny belly-aches, it is more harmless, than "Nurofen" or Ketanov, but also be careful with its acceptance, and "B6 Magnesium" which is also helping pregnant women at muscular pains. At emergence of locks use Dufolak or glyceric candles. Work of intestines will be adjusted by the medicine "Linex", poisoning and intoxication will be removed by Limontar with the content of amber and lemon acids which, without being late, are removed from an organism together with toxins. Hypostases will leave if you drink broth from orthosiphon leaves. The stress and a nervous state at the beginning of pregnancy will be eliminated by valerian, take no more than 4 pill a day.

Also pregnant women, owing to their state, on deadlines for pregnancy in 90% cases can have a milkwoman. Klotrimazol ointment will help to cope with it, she will instantly remove the naggers.

Anyway, before taking any medicines, surely consult with the doctor conducting you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
