Choosing a name to the newborn, parents not always realize as far as it is a crucial moment. Often pay attention to sonority, popularity of any given name, sometimes name the kid in honor of someone from relatives, familiar, famous people. But it is quite good to learn at first what means any given name to understand how it can affect the future of the kid.
1. Alexander in translation from Greek means "defender". Even if in the childhood the carriers of this name have problems with health, growing, they most often find self-confidence and physical firmness. Strong-willed, sports, with vivid imagination, purposeful. They suit a role of the head or creative work. It is better to cut science, it is not their "fad". Aleksandra are loveful, but are able and to be devoted to family values, usually become good fathers. From problem qualities — possible thirst for alcohol, but the strong character is capable to overcome it.
2. The name Boris goes back to Slavic roots, to the word "fight", but there is also a small makeweight from "glory" as its initial form — Borislav. Grow Borisa appeasable, obedient, without bringing special trouble upon parents. Quickly study independence, strive for independence, sometimes even too sharply stop attempts of parents to interfere with their life. Usually owners of this name differ in efficiency, ability to analyze and the sense of humour helps them to keep steadiness even in difficult everyday circumstances. Reaches heights in affairs, not so much thanks to talents how many work and persistence. The persistence in works often disturbs family life, on the wife and children at Boris sometimes is banal there are not enough forces. But of emotions — is more than enough: Borisa are jealous and amorous, with them you will not miss. Generally, all life — fight!
3. Vladimir - means "owning the world", not for nothing in policy and business there are so much owners of this name, and, bright and successful. It is active living position, some tendency to airs, adventures, self-sufficiency with a subtle shade of self-admiration. Public work, the exact sciences, crafts — the field of their activity is extensive. Achieve result, thanks to natural clarity of mind and diplomacy. Are sometimes too trustful and vulnerable. They are not deprived of attention of an opposite sex. In marriage are reliable, though are amorous.
4. Dmitry are often spoiled and whimsical, with age become stubborn. Their name is connected with image of Demetra, the Greek goddess of fertility, and in fact, it is a maternal constant. The excessive affection for mother becomes a hindrance in its emotional development. But thanks to ingenuity, resourcefulness and ability to adapt to an environment, Dmitry can build successful career. With marriage it is harder and harder, here the relations often develop violently, unstably.
5. Maxim — a Latin name with value "greatest". Erudite, inquisitive, but not too self-assured, having complex. It needs a support in people around, the directing hand. He is obligatory, keen on business which he to liking, is accurate. With women it is patient, maybe, even too. It is capable of understanding and forgiveness. Very attached to children.
6. Nikolay is a winner, Sergey — highly respected, Yury is a farmer. Knowing these and other values of names, it is possible to orient the child on a certain type of activity and to see its weaknesses in other light. But it is worth to remember: the "personalized" program — only a probability, and any of comers to this world is capable to take destiny in hand!