Your kid the last among the peers runs in wet panties? It does not mean at all that your parental career is failed. Just as the question of a dream and food, an issue of independent visit of a pot cannot be resolved by strict instructions. The main task – development of the healthy relation to the procedure of a toilet. In many respects success of business will depend on correctly picked up pot.
General rules
Irrespective of a sex of the child for which the pot is got the design has to be strong, convenient and safe. Pay attention whether will conveniently wash a design, the most comfortable pots with a removable internal part. It is possible to involve in purchase also the baby that she arranged small "fitting" at once, having tried whether it is convenient to it to sit. It is better if the design has a convenient back or imitation of a cover which has similarity to a design of an adult toilet bowl. Pay attention to existence of a support for legs. Thanks to it the baby fidgeting on a pot will not fall from it.
There are frequent disputes on expediency of use of pots toys. Such models are good only at the first stage - when schooling the little lady to a pot. In most cases they are inconvenient and bulky.
The most widespread material used in production of pots is strong plastic. Besides simplicity in leaving, it possesses high rates of thermal capacity that it is also important for babies.
"Special" requirements
For the girl it is worth getting a pot without ledge in front, rounded shape which will allow it to sit with the legs cramped together. Also universal designs equipped with a small anatomic ledge will approach.
Musical and toy pots
Widespread musical pots "report" about when the child gets along with "case". However constant use of such design can develop a conditioned reflex at the child. Having heard a familiar "toilet" melody in shop, the baby will decide that time of "murders" came. Pots toys draw to themselves attention of kids, but their constant use can provoke too long stay on a pot that is unhealthy. The same reason is a basis of the ban to give to the child of a toy in the course of depletion.
And not the pot can?
If the toilet bowl does not cause fear in your baby, it is possible to equip also it. Getting a special children's seat, make sure that it can be fixed strongly and it will be convenient to the child. Near a toilet bowl put convenient to a step, allowing the baby to climb and climb up independently from a toilet bowl. Besides, process of depletion is considerably facilitated if legs of the child do not hang over a floor, and have a strong basis. There are designs of adult toilet bowls in which additional sitting is provided, however they are designed for more adult kids.