Each child of the Russian Federation has the right to free dairy products. If your kid is on breastfeeding, then you will be able to receive free food from age of six months. If the child is on artificial feeding, then the doctor is obliged to write out the coupon for visits of dairy and distributing point from the moment of the birth.
1. To start receiving free children's products address the local pediatrician in the place of a registration of the child. The pediatrician will write the prescription for visits of dairy kitchen.
2. With the recipe it is necessary to address in an office where you will be entered in the electronic list and will assign individual number. Remember or write down it because it is required to you for receiving baby food on dairy and distributing point.
3. Then to you will print out the coupon for receiving dairy products where your individual number, a surname and a name of the child, date of visit of dairy kitchen and the quantity of products relying for your child is specified. The coupon is very convenient and available. You do not miss the necessary date of visit of dairy kitchen.
4. Previously visit dairy kitchen. So you will be able to learn an operating mode of dairy and distributing point, the list of additional documents.
5. In the specified day approach on dairy kitchen. Be going to wait a little. Turn - not an unusual occurrence for dairy and distributing points. According to your coupon the employee will give you products. As a rule, it is the children's Agusha kefir in number of 1 package a day, children's Agusha cottage cheese - 1 packing a day, children's Agusha milk of 200 ml - 1 package a day. After receiving products do not forget to take away the coupon. It will be necessary for you for all month.
6. Now, when you began to receive free dairy food, accurately and carefully enter it into a diet of your child. You watch a chair of your kid, manifestation of allergic reactions. Ask for suggestions your district police officer the pediatrician how it is correct to enter new products into the child's diet.