The raised protein in urine is called a proteinuria. This disease can arise owing to the infectious diseases affecting microscopic filters of kidneys or directly body entirely. Very often the proteinuria at children demonstrates presence of any disease. Therefore it is important to make systematically the test of urine of the kid to diagnose a disease at an early stage.
As a rule, the proteinuria is not followed by obvious painful feelings. However, presence of a large amount of protein at urine leads to developing of hypostases and the increased arterial blood pressure. Allocate different types of a proteinuria. Functional – appears at stressful situations, overcooling, nervous breakdowns and allergic reactions.
Also raised protein in urine at the newborn baby is quite normal phenomenon owing to a number of the physiological reasons. Such proteinuria is considered temporary and not demanding drug treatment. In case along with presence of protein at urine at the child also other disturbing symptoms are observed, it is necessary to ask for medical care immediately. The fact is that protein in itself is the peculiar indicator demonstrating existence in a disease organism therefore it is impossible to ignore it at all.
The correct collecting urine for the analysis
In order that the result of the analysis was reliable, it is necessary to follow elementary rules of collecting the studied material. Thus, genitals of the child and capacity for collecting urine have to be clean. For this kid it is necessary to wash away children's soap without additives, or weak solution of potassium permanganate. At the same time it is important to track that soap or cotton wool did not remain on the child's genitals. Urine should be sent to laboratory no later than three hours after collecting. It is necessary to consider that before inspection the container with urine has to be stored in the dark cool place.
To what diseases the availability of protein in urine testifies
The protein which is present at urine at the kid can demonstrate developing of the following diseases: hypertension, amiloidoz kidneys, thrombosis of kidney vessels, pyelonephritis, urolithic disease, sharp kanaltsevy necrosis, stagnant kidney, Fankoni's syndrome, lizotsimuriya, overflow proteinuria, chronic rejection of a kidney transplant, gemoglobinuriya and also diabetic glomeruloskleroz.
What is an orthostatic proteinuria
The orthostatic proteinuria represents a state which meets at children of advanced age. Such proteinuria promotes emergence of protein in urine only in the period of activity of the child. It turns out that protein somehow gets into urine directly during the day that does not occur at night at rest. Thus, diagnosis of such proteinuria requires the two-level research of urine including its morning and day collecting. If protein is found in a day portion of urine, and in morning will be absent, then it will mean appearance of an orthostatic proteinuria. But you should not worry, such state is normal and absolutely safe.