What to do at toxicosis

What to do at toxicosis

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Remember, the heroine of ""the soap opera"" as usual learns about the pregnancy. Either feels sick her, or begins to pull on salty, or she faints on hands of the hero in love. From the medical point of view all these symptoms are manifestations of toxicosis of pregnant women which about a half of future mothers faces.

What is toxicosis? The word ""toxicosis"" is related to the concept ""intoxication"": a root of both words, and problems - toxins (from the Greek ""toksikon"" - poison). In relation to pregnant women it is about internal toxins the proteinaceous connections which are developed in an organism in response to appearance in it of ""stranger"", future child. As well as at intoxication caused by poisoning (that is the weakness, faintness, nausea, sometimes vomiting arises penetration of external toxins - pathogenic microbes). In such situations the doctors speak about toxicosis pregnant women: early if it arises on term up to 12 weeks, and late (or a gestosis) if it appears after 20 weeks.

In most cases early toxicosis even not pathology, but consequence of natural process of adaptation of an organism to pregnancy. It can be shown by nausea, vomiting (1-2 times a day), dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, a loss of appetite raised by salivation, sensitivity to smells, discomfort in a stomach. All these numerous symptoms, fortunately, seldom arise at the same time and do not demand any treatment. It is rather simple to future mom to develop the correct tactics of behavior which will reduce unpleasant feelings.

How to help itself. 1. Even if the thought of food is opposite to you, to adjust with relation good-neighbourhood food very important. Nutrients are necessary for future kid, and therefore is after all it is necessary; moreover, the diet has to be full despite everything. Try that your organism still received all elements of a triad "proteins-fats-carbohydrates". choosing from interchangeable products that you transfer better. For example, if you do not want some meat, lean on dairy products and cheese.2 rich with protein. Eat gradually, but it is frequent, each 2-3 hours. Do not allow emergence of feeling of hunger and support glucose level in blood. For this purpose always you hold near at hand something for easy ""having a snack"": apple, crouton, cookies, nutlets. Surely include in a diet complex carbohydrates - grain, bread, vegetables and fruit. They provide constant receipt in an organism of moderate amount of glucose. If you feel sick in certain time of day, think that you eat in these hours: for example, sometimes indispositions arise as reaction to vitamins which the woman adopts ""according to the schedule"".3. In the mornings do not get up sharply, and first of all be a little supported. For example, eat the tangerine made since evening, a steering-wheel or candy. Or drink something sour: a glass of water with a lemon and honey, cranberry drink, kefir.4. To prevent dizzinesses, always change position of a body smoothly. Getting out of a bed, at first slowly turn sideways, then give legs and only after that raise a trunk. Be not late for a long time in one situation - dizziness can arise also because of stagnation of blood in a waist and the lower extremities (for example if you long stand or you sit in an intense pose). Compression knitwear.5 helps to improve blood circulation in legs. Try to drink 1.5-2 l of liquid a day (including soups, juice, dairy drinks). It is especially important if you have vomiting attacks: that the organism did not suffer because of dehydration, loss of liquid needs to be offset. 6. Pay attention to grass collecting: ginger, a melissa, a camomile, raspberry leaves can reduce nausea. At the increased salivation rinse a mouth infusion of a peppermint or green tea. Mint oil, in addition, helps to cope with faintness.7. If you began to whirl the head, zatoshnit, darkened in eyes - lay down, having raised legs higher than the level of heart, open a window or ask somebody to make it, drink sweet tea with a lemon.8. Try to get enough sleep and to have a rest as much as possible: often toxicosis passes, once future mom takes a vacation and to be disconnected from cares.9. Development of toxicosis is influenced also by a condition of digestive tract: so, it often arises at the women familiar with a problem of gastritis or dyskinesia of bilious ways. You keep depletion of intestines under control: it has to happen at least every other day even if you eat very little. Disturbing signal. If vomiting arises not more often than 2-3 times a day and the general health does not suffer, doctors speak about easy degree of toxicosis. When nausea and vomiting arise more than 3 times a day, weight decreases, there is a breakdown, heartbeat increase, pressure decrease, so future mom faced toxicosis of average or heavy degree. In such situation the organism loses a lot of liquid, mineral salts and protein, and not to restore deficiency without the assistance of doctors. 15-20% of all cases of toxicosis come to an end with hospitalization, only in a hospital it is possible to carry out complex therapy: intravenous injection of salt solutions, glucose, injections of antiemetic medicines. It is necessary to see a doctor if vomiting arises more often than 2 times a day. Late problem. Toxicosis of the first months of pregnancy - a situation though unpleasant, but at least not menacing to the kid. Moreover, according to the American scientists percent of abortions at the women suffering because of this problem, in general below than at those who did not face it. And here late toxicosis (gestosis) - unambiguous pathology, it can seriously affect health and mothers, and the child. It is shown by other symptoms: hypostases, increase in arterial blood pressure, emergence of protein in urine. The first that has to guard future mom, - puffiness of feet and shins. As soon as this symptom arises, it is worth consulting with the doctor: he will appoint the analysis of urine, will advise to control daily arterial blood pressure and to make changes to a diet. First of all it is necessary to limit salt; and here opinion that at hypostases it is necessary to drink as little as possible, - delusion. Your organism still needs 1.5 l. liquid in day, and it is important that it was correct: any carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee. You salt food less, exclude hot, marinated, fat and fried dishes, be not fond of strong soups. If liquid begins to accumulate, future mom will notice hypostases of hands (by the evening rings become close), hips, genitalia, a face. At the same time weight quickly grows: the increase indicates more than 1 kg in a week violation of work of kidneys and development of a disease. The next stage of a gestosis which is important for preventing as soon as possible, - increase in pressure. That is why any, even insignificant, change of indicators of a tonometer requires attention of the doctor. As critical are considered figure 130/90, but for the woman with the lowered ""operating"" pressure even classical can be 120/80 a disturbing signal. At a hypertension blood vessels of a spazmirovana, in surrounding fabrics they come out water, salts and proteins of blood (albumine) more actively. As a result delivery of oxygen and food to the kid can worsen, and doctors will watch closely his state (for example, by means of KTG). Watching the woman with symptoms of a gestosis, the doctor will ask every time whether her headaches, dizzinesses, emergence of a veil or front sights before eyes disturb. These symptoms will indicate a preeklampsiya: a state which will demand treatment in a hospital. That it did not pass into the following stage - the eklampsiya which is followed by spasms and loss of consciousness (coma), it is important to send future mom to hospital as soon as possible.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
