The child grows, and for several years at parents a huge number of children's drawings, as a rule, accumulates. Find it possible to throw out many only the most unsuccessful or insignificant of them, but what to do with the others? Will help to keep lovely arts of your kid for many years to you several interesting ideas.
We keep originals
Be engaged in sorting of drawings. Sign on the back at least approximate date of creation of each of them. Put the most successful in one pile, less interesting - in another. The least labor-intensive option simply is to place beautiful drawings in the separate folder, having inserted them into transparent files.
Less interesting you can put in a box: perhaps, after time you will want to reconsider also them.
If the usual folder seems to you in too banal way, make a colourful album. You can create it independently, or together with the child: in the latter case will consider result of your joint creativity even more pleasantly years later. Besides, there are companies which offer the services in registration of colourful albums with drawings.
We give to drawings the second life
If drawings are kept, you at any time can make of them something bigger. In this case everything depends only on your imagination and technical capabilities. Begin with transferring of drawings on the electronic medium. First, so you will be able to keep drawings for decades and also to show them to all distant relatives and acquaintances. Secondly, the electronic version of the drawing - a basis for further creativity. Images can be applied to undershirts, circles, magnets, mousepads. Such souvenir - an excellent gift for those who love your child. It is possible to make an interesting collage, wall-paper for a desktop of drawings, registration for the Internet blog or the website. If the kid draws the same characters, find the companies (and them now much) which will create a doll, a soft toy and even the animated film on the basis of these children's sketches.
If your child is really gifted artist, do not store drawings only for own viewings. Send them to competitions, to thematic magazines: perhaps, you will open the new future for your son or the daughter.
Drawings in a house interior
Even the simplest children's drawing will perfectly look in an interior. Moreover, than the image is more naive and simpler, especially the interior element can turn out stylish. Most often decorate with drawings walls both in the nursery, and in other rooms. For this purpose you can choose the most interesting drawings, make for them an identical framework and hang up in one place. The images which are hanged out on clothespegs on the rope tense on the wall will look not less stylish. Sometimes children's colourful botched work without a certain plot becomes similar to the real picture of the abstract artist and can quite apply for the central post in the living room.