The baby carriage can serve long time if regularly to examine it and to check regarding possible malfunctions. Wheels ungreased in time can deliver many unpleasant minutes a radrazhayushchy scratch.
The born little person needs a large number of things. It both diapers baby's undershirts, and adaptation to bathe and swaddle the child, and, of course, a carriage. It is possible to call her the irreplaceable assistant in education of the kid: sitting in a carriage, it is possible to examine the world around with full convenience or just to sleep during walk.
The dream in the fresh air is very useful to the child, and careful parents will try to provide for this purpose all conditions.
How to provide to a carriage long life
That the baby carriage longer served, and would look at the same time it is not worse new, it is required to look after it well. It is the best of all to get used to combine daily care with commission of prevention of times a month. Details should be washed out in process of pollution, fabric elements – to erase, to regularly examine fastenings, and, above all – to process wheels. All mobile elements, the ends of wheel axes, bearings have to be greased. If not to pay to it attention suffices, wheels will creak very unpleasantly, and this sound will not allow the child to get enough sleep properly.
What it is better to grease wheels at carriages with? It depends on of what material they are made. Modern carriages almost all are issued with wheels from plastic, but not in all sleeves are made of metal.
What lubricant for wheels it is better to use
It is recommended to choose dense lubricant – LITOL, CIATIM is considered the best, it is possible to use solid oil. These structures are well caused and long enough do not descend, unlike usual industrial oil which is used for greasing of door locks. Plastic of which wheels are made from such lubricant does not spoil.
Dense elastichesky lubricants, as well as lubricating oil, are considered as an optimal variant for greasing - it is and it is effective, and it is safe, and for a long time.
It is very desirable to remove before processing wheels from axes, and axes properly to wash up and dry. In case of emergency it is possible to do also without it, that is just to drip oil several times in a crack between the internal limiter and a wheel. But at such way of drawing lubricant descends quicker. Almost all wheels for baby carriages do of plastic, but sleeves in them make of other materials. If in a wheel there is a metal sleeve, it is better to remove, wash out it in kerosene or gasoline then to grease. When greasing it is necessary to watch that oil was distributed evenly among mobile parts. When everything is ready, surplus has to be removed by means of a fabric rag, otherwise then oil can soil clothes. At conscientious attitude to regular service of a carriage it not only will longer serve, but also at its operation it is possible not to be afraid of unexpected problems. As a rule, it is small troubles which can have quite unpleasant consequences, like an otstegivaniye of fixers of seat belts.