When it is possible to put the child on a pillow?

When it is possible to put the child on a pillow?

As mummy wants to put the baby in a soft cozy bed that to him it was comfortably fallen down there, it was warm and soft. Mothers consider that so they will show care and attentiveness in relation to the child. Some mothers, without knowing to what age the child cannot put a pillow, and do. But it is categorically inadmissible.

Are not necessary to kids of a pillow

It is not necessary to put to the child a pillow until the cervical and vertebral department, otherwise in the future, perhaps is created, you will not manage to avoid problems with a backbone. The curvature of a backbone can become easy a consequence of the wrong child care. During the period since the birth and up to two years the child has a formation of its bends. Correct it will be or not, depends on parents.

The longer you will not give to the child a pillow, the better. Orthopedists advise not to put to the baby a pillow at least up to two years, and then if the child cannot sleep without it, best of all to buy a special orthopedic small pillow or the roller. As a last resort, it is possible to make so that the mattress was a little under an inclination that the head of the kid was a little higher than the level of a body. But if your child perfectly does without pillow, it is not necessary to put busily it under the head.

The doctor can prescribe an orthopedic pillow to the child almost since the birth as it prevents danger of formation of a curvature of cervical department of a backbone.

The tradition to put pillows and soft laying to kids under the head appeared already long ago. Each young mom for certain had to hear council from the mom or the grandmother as it is correct to swaddle the baby. According to them, the child of a leg that they were not bent needed to swaddle very hardly. However, at all it is not necessary to listen to everything that is told you by your parents, friends or other close people. That the child was healthy, it is necessary to follow only advice of experienced doctors. Try to consult with the orthopedist, and he will prompt to you what size and what form the pillow for the kid is necessary.

That sleep during which position of a human body will be equal is considered healthy. It is not necessary to think that without pillow it is inconvenient to lie. If it is so, your child shout would elicit that it is necessary for it.

One more danger

Enclosing to the child a pillow, it is necessary to think also of the fact that he can just choke, having been absorbed in it. Kind of terribly it sounded, but it, really, so. The kid is not able independently yet turns over in a dream therefore the pillow can be the reason for suffocation. And it is not necessary to lay over the child various objects, sides or soft toys from all directions at all. Remember that it needs free space. At care for the baby it is necessary to do everything accurately correctly, and then your kid will grow up healthy and happy.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
