Sunflower seeds when breastfeeding have some not only positive, but also of course negative sides. Though it is not specified anywhere whether there is a concrete harm from this habit. Seeds of sunflower contain many useful vitamins and even is excellent antidepressant.
Sunflower seeds: harm and advantage for the newborn child and mother.
The female body during pregnancy accumulates the necessary useful substances for future child which he receives through maternal milk therefore food after the delivery has to be various. It is not necessary to exclude those products which you ate earlier. If during pregnancy ate seeds of sunflower and not only, then it is necessary to continue to support the balanced, balanced diet and after the delivery within the first months. Only the number of acceptance of sunflower seeds should be not exaggerated. And to enter into the daily diet not large portions that those vitamins and minerals were also available to the kid.
Harm from sunflower seeds: for enamel of teeth which gradually collapses. Thereby bares the nervous terminations and even caries develops. After the delivery the organism of the woman weakens, calcium becomes insufficiently and therefore you should not abuse sunflower seeds that who has weak enamel of teeth or a problem with teeth.
Also 100 grams of seeds of sunflower contain 520 to calories that is not desirable for people with an excess weight. And even more the choice of purchased – store sunflower seeds can also negatively affect health. They may contain cadmium which is often used in processing of the soil.
Therefore the dried or independently slightly fried sunflower seeds contain the most part of useful substances which will be very useful:
Sunflower seeds contain the food fibers helping good work of intestines. Promote decrease in cholesterol. Vitamin A – Retinolum – is of great importance in food, especially children. It is necessary for implementation of processes of human height. Also for ensuring normal sight. Still vitamins E, B, D, irreplaceable amino acids, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, folan which are also useful and necessary for an organism.
Are useful during breastfeeding fats - the most useful to contain in sea fish and vegetable oils – linen, olive, sunflower. And as all know sunflower oil make of sunflower seeds.
Sunflower seeds contain 20% of protein, and breast milk has to contain various proteins surely. Which are easily acquired by a children's organism, necessary for normal development and growth of the kid.
How to be if there is a strong wish pogryst sunflower seeds.
As a last resort, for calm of the requirements it is possible to get the cleaned sunflower seeds for preservation of enamel of teeth and to add to the daily diet, even getting products at which there are sunflower seeds: small loafs, etc. But there are fans of the added some salt sunflower seeds though salt is harmful to an organism in large numbers. Therefore during feeding it is the best of all to exclude the added some salt sunflower seeds.
The insuperable passion for sunflower seeds arises at those who are in great need in vitamins – antioxidants. Means that in an organism there are a lot of free radicals – the main provokers of presenilation.
And if your organism asks sunflower seeds, then it is necessary to listen to it. The organism is our internal computer which lets know that it lacks certain minerals and vitamins. And in that case it is necessary to try to balance food from which to you and your child it will be good.