For cold, alas, nobody is insured. The feeding mothers - too not an exception especially as the organism weakened by childbirth and a lactation is easily subject to seasonal infections. Most of all in case of a disease of young mothers the question concerns whether breastfeeding for the kid during this period is safe and whether there is a risk it to infect.
In fact breastfeeding is authorized and is even welcomed in case mother is sick with an acute respiratory disease or a viral infection. There is very limited list of states at which pediatricians insist on the termination or suspension of feeding by a breast. Cold - not an occasion to separate the child from natural food. On the contrary, with breast milk the child receives antibodies to infections which form his immunity on for the rest of the life. Therefore if mother finds forces to continue feeding, it is not forbidden to her. However from this rule there are two exceptions.
Herbs affect an organism also, as well as drugs. Therefore applying folk remedies to treatment of cold, you remember moderation and avoid the consumption of a sage, mint and a thyme reducing a lactation.
Age up to 3 weeks
Newborns age up to 3 weeks are very susceptible to any infection. Especially it concerns premature children. Therefore if you got sick, learn from your pediatrician whether you can continue feeding. In general for such cases it is recommended to begin gathering breast milk right after the child's birth when the lactation is at peak. Decant milk in special sterile containers and you store it on the shelf in the freezer. By the correct preparation of milk it can be stored up to 180 days, without losing the unique properties. The stock of milk will help out you in case of a disease or a long absence.
Mastitis at the initial stage can be shown as well as viral infections: feels feverish the person, temperature increases. If the heat remains within 48 hours without visible symptoms of cold, see a doctor.
Drug intake
Unfortunately, there is very limited amount of the medicines allowed for use during breastfeeding. To avoid causing damage to health of the child, do not self-medicate and always consult with the doctor concerning the taken drugs. Even those medicines which are resolved during a lactation can have the side effect affecting health or behavior of the child. For example, it is revealed that pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) causes nervous starts, and drug intake on the basis of a difengidramin can make your child more sluggish and sleepy. Perhaps, your state will demand more serious approach and reception of antibiotics. It is in that case recommended to interrupt temporarily breastfeeding and to pass to the adapted dairy mixes. At this time the lactation needs to be supported by regular depletion of a mammary gland. Feeding by a breast during cold – is safe, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to remember rules of personal hygiene to avoid repeated infection, the organism of the nursing mother spends many forces for fight against a disease therefore it badly affects development of milk. Wash hands more often, use a separate towel and tableware.