Whether pregnant women can be engaged in Pilates"

Whether pregnant women can be engaged in Pilates"

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 Hormonal reorganization during pregnancy demands from the woman of cardinal changes of rather daily habits and the mode. Serious amendments are also introduced in sports loadings — the gynecologist advises to address quieter and light trainings that allows to reduce risks of an abortion and protects future mother from excess overloads. Pilates which combined in itself breathing exercises and moderate physical activities however at first will become fine option when choosing a complex it is necessary to understand what benefit this program will be able to bring and whether will do much harm to mother and the developing child.

Whether it is possible to be engaged in Pilates during pregnancy

Pilates is the popular specially developed system of exercises which is directed to maintenance of a tone of muscles and all musculoskeletal device, a training of breath and formation of flexibility of a body.

Positive influence of Pilates during incubation of the kid:

Whether you know? The "star" program popular around the world was thought up by the certain Joe Pilates who was not differing since the childhood in good health and physical force. However thanks to strong will, endurance and huge desire he by 16 years received an athletic, relief constitution.

Also regular program execution promotes turning of the child in a womb in necessary situation. However it is necessary to remember that Pilates, as well as other physical activities, at the wrong performance or the existing pathologies is capable to do harm therefore before the occupations the woman needs to estimate adequately the physical condition and to exclude threat of spontaneous abortion.

In 1 trimester

The first trimester is the most favorable time for occupations Pilates — by the end of pregnancy all necessary muscles will manage to be prepared for the forthcoming childbirth, excess liquid will leave, and the body will become flexible and obedient. Competent installation of moderate loadings will allow to bring to naught possible complications. As indications to restriction of trainings such disturbing symptoms can serve:

Learn about a set of exercises on a fitball for pregnant women and also whether pregnant women can be engaged: water aerobics, Kegel's exercises and respiratory gymnastics.

In the absence of the listed problems of exercise should not bring discomfort, but, being on early term, the woman nevertheless should refuse some standard movements:

The recommended mode of trainings: at toxicosis — 2 times a week, without unpleasant manifestations — every other day.

In 2 and 3 trimesters

In the second and third trimesters the positions allowing the kid to adopt in a womb the right provision for future birth and free passing on patrimonial ways are added to general exercises. In general conditions for successful program execution remain the same, as well as on early terms.

Important! It is impossible to start a training right after intake of any food (even easy). The optimum period makes 1–2 hours.

Contraindications and precautionary measures

Occupations Pilates during pregnancy demand observance of several important recommendations:

  1. Between exercises it is necessary to carry out special a relax action.
  2. It is necessary to exclude any load of joints.
  3. It is necessary to exclude from occupations a starting position on a back and on a stomach.
  4. Exercises have to be carried out at half slow rate and smoothly.
  5. Occupations have to be made on karemata or a special rug.

For an additional relaxation and good mood during the occupations it is desirable to turn on the pleasant music or the written-down nature sounds. Categorical contraindications for occupations during incubation are:

Whether you know? Initially the author of the well-known sports program called it "control art", during performance of exercise of people controls all body and reason. And only many years later fans of a system began to call unique development "Pilates".

Set of exercises for pregnant women

The program of Pilates for future mothers significantly differs from a standard complex. Let's consider the main movements:

  1. Being on a floor, we rest against it all four extremities, holding at the same time knees at the same level, as hips. It is necessary to bend the hands placed at the level of shoulders a little in elbow joints. The movement becomes on a breath (the back along with a turn of shoulders is slowly rounded) and on an exhalation (the chest department caves in). The purpose — disposal of tension in a backbone and lumbar department without involvement of muscles of a press.
  2. We lay down sideways, displacing legs in relation to the case forward and at the same time extending them, and we put the head on hands. To a breath there corresponds raising of the upper leg with its institution forward, to an exhalation — return to initial situation. The party changes after performance of several repetitions.
  3. We lay down on a back, we bend in knees of a leg and we part them. A breath — raising of a basin at a trunk emphasis on shoulders. An exhalation — return to an initial pose.
  4. We come back to a position "on one side" and we bend legs at right angle. Hands — forward before on a floor. Inhaling, we raise hands and we get them for a back until when the shovel touches a floor. Exhaling, we return the previous position. It is necessary to make (in different directions) not less than 8 times.
  5. As well as at the first exercise, we go down on all fours with nearby knees. Lowering of coxofemoral area down in the direction of hands is carried out on a breath, kickback to a former position — on an exhalation. Then the same movement is carried out to other party.

Video: technology of performance of exercises Pilates for pregnant women

Rules of occupations

  1. Selection of an optimum complex and alternation of exercises.
  2. Study of necessary group of muscles.
  3. Control of correctness of performance of movements (by means of the instructor).
  4. Adjustment of time of occupations, proceeding from personal feelings and physical endurance (from 15 to 40 minutes).

Important! During squats last weeks it is necessary to part legs, avoiding tightening of the grown-up stomach.

If the training takes place in the correct speed, after it future mother feels ease and satisfaction. Fatigue and muscle pains — the bad sign demanding additional consultation with the gynecologist and the instructor on Pilates.

After the delivery without complications it is possible to return to Pilates in a month. Gradually increasing loading, the body will quickly return to a "doberemenny" form, and young mother will radiate force and energy. Performance of special exercises of Pilates will allow future mother to prepare as much as possible an organism for the forthcoming childbirth and to avoid many troubles connected with complications on any term of pregnancy.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
