National recipes enjoy wide popularity and today, and one of them is a cleaning of enamel of teeth soda. Such simple recipe is known several decades, and now some brush teeth soda to children. Whether it is worth doing it?
Effect of soda
Soda works softly therefore any deposits on teeth are removed for several approaches. Here it is necessary to remember that scales and a dental plaque are the main provokers of caries. The bacteria which are a part of a dental plaque break as balance of acid and alkali of a mouth that leads to enamel corrosion, and after that – to pulps and dentine.
One more feature of soda is an availability of the abrasive substances purifying enamel. If to compare soda to salt (it is used for toothbrushing too), then at soda parts which scratch enamel much less are more smooth. And it means that soda – safer and convenient way of cleaning of teeth.
Lack of a method
In spite of the fact that the method is very effective, there are several restrictions for too frequent use of soda.
Frequent attempts to clean teeth soda lead to enamel thinning because of what teeth begin to react too painfully and sensitively to hot and hot, cold, sweet or sour.
Also on a front surface there are cracks in which caries can be formed. Such raid cannot almost be removed from microcracks that the person leads to more frequent toothbrushing and bigger to damage to tooth enamel.
How to brush teeth soda
Before beginning to brush teeth, it is necessary to remember several rules:
- Frequency of holding a procedure – is no more than time in 30 days.
- Enamel of teeth should not be very thin, and teeth should not endure temperature changes painfully.
Before cleaning it is necessary to dissolve soda with water so that solution was kasheobrazny. At the same time it is not necessary to pour solution on a brush as then soda will only scratch enamel.
It is necessary to brush teeth circular, quiet movements within several minutes. After that the mouth should be rinsed properly. And for elimination of unpleasant smack it is possible to rinse a mouth conditioner with grass or mint taste.
If toothbrushing by soda did not cause any negative feelings, it is possible to try to dissolve soda with a small amount of lemon juice, but not with water. It will help to clean with higher quality teeth, however it is necessary to brush teeth such solution no more than 1 minute.
Whether children should brush teeth soda?
As for children, they should not use soda for toothbrushing as dairy teeth already white and do not need bleaching. Besides, soda can strongly damage enamel because of what teeth of the child will become black.