Parents are tormented sometimes by a question of in what situation the child has to sleep. On the one hand, everything is simple – the child can sleep as it is more convenient to him. On the other hand, many of you for certain heard that the dream is on one side dangerous.
Peacefully snuffling sleeping child represents very touching show. However it is very difficult to many parents to put the children to bed, and they should go on different cunnings.
In what situation does absolutely small child have to sleep?
If you do not know as well as in what pose it is better to put to bed your kid, remember that everything depends on age of the child. So, newborns and children up to six months, on the contrary, are recommended to be stacked sideways. In a prone position on a back the baby can srygnut and choke after that. And such situations are not rare at all. In a prone position on a stomach, to the child it is not always comfortable too, besides there is a danger that the kid will bury in a pillow and too will choke. It is necessary only to stack the child sideways and to regularly overturn him that at it that side of a body on which it lies did not grow dumb.
It is possible to turn sleeping the baby both on the left side, and on right.
Besides, you have to know that the small child cannot be put the head on a pillow as it can cause a backbone curvature.
In what situation can children of more advanced age sleep?
As for children is more senior, discussion of possible poses for a qualitative dream is conducted already long time. Each physician has the idea of that as well as in what situation the child has to sleep. The dream on the left side creates serious load of heart and worsens blood circulation. At the same time scientists conducted some researches and found out that the dream on the left side prolongs life.
The Tibetan monks who sleep on the left side can be an example and keep good health practically up to 120 years.
Such situation is not recommended during sleep to the children having predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. The fact is that all loading at falling asleep on the left side is at once transferred to the right lung, and it can negatively influence work of the right hemisphere of a brain and blood circulation. Besides, when the person lies a long time on the left side, it strengthens work of a liver and exchange processes as through the right part of a body there passes the main energy that strengthens load of heart amplify. Therefore pediatricians very categorically pass an opinion on a dream of children in such situation. The dream on the right side, on the contrary, is recommended, especially with the straightened legs. Such situation allows to overcome feeling of grief and concern. In this situation it is recommended to stack sensitive and nervous children. At falling asleep in situation on the right side the blood circulation is regulated and load of heart decreases. The child's dream on the right side with a little bent legs well affects activity of all digestive organs.