Whether the day regimen is necessary for the baby

Whether the day regimen is necessary for the baby

Some young mothers think how it is better to organize a day regimen of the child. The position of pediatricians in this question cardinally differs now from that that was in Soviet period.

Mode and daily routine

Earlier pediatricians recommended to observe a rigid day regimen since the birth. Did not feed with night of the child, and gave a breast strictly on hours in the afternoon. If the baby slept at this time, he was awoken surely. Such position was proved at the time. Before children gave to kindergarten and a day nursery very much early that young mom came to work. Certainly, the tutor simply not in forces was to adapt to individual regime of everyone therefore it was simpler that all had it identical. All kids in a garden in at one time were fed and put to bed.

Actually, the children's mentality is arranged in such a way that it is more comfortable to kid to live on a habitual daily routine. When the child knows that he waits for him further, he becomes much quieter. For example, daily bathing, feeding and withdrawal for sleeping. If this sequence repeats every time, the kid falls asleep much more quietly. But the daily routine does not mean tough following to the mode. Young mom herself adapts to that rhythm in which there lives her kid.

The easiest to establish a daily routine, making a start from feedings. The kid can fall asleep only full. If he is hungry, it becomes extremely difficult to depart for sleeping.

Natural feeding

Up to 6 months the child eats only maternal milk. Modern specialists in breastfeeding recommend to feed such kid on demand. It means that mom gives to the baby a breast when he wants it, both in the afternoon, and at night. Some children since the birth sleep till some hours, and others practically do not release a breast. If the kid wants to eat, he will wake up and will call mom crying. It is not necessary to awake him to feed. When mom follows biological clock of the kid, her organism adapts too: milk will flow by that moment when the baby wants to eat. The first 2-3 months of life of the baby is time of establishment of a daily routine.

Artificial feeding

A little in a different way the situation is in case the kid is on artificial feeding. Mix much more high-calorie, than breast milk. Therefore it is impossible to feed with it on demand. So the child will gain too quickly weight. Besides mix is acquired heavier than maternal milk if the child drinks it too much and often, it will give strong load of his system of digestion and a kidney. It is optional to feed the baby with mix only in certain hours. But it is better to observe a sufficient interval between meals of the baby: about 2-3 hours. You should not awake the kid if this time already passed. As well as at natural feeding, the child will wake up when he gets hungry. But also to give mix more often than each 2 hours it is not necessary.

The baby is more senior than 6 months

From half a year the pediatricians recommend to enter a feeding up. At first it is only a breakfast, and the lunch and a dinner appears over time. From the moment of introduction of a feeding up it becomes easier to establish a daily routine. You should not aspire to the rigid mode that always the breakfast of the child was at ten o'clock, and a lunch in 14. But the traditional sequence of actions will not prevent. For example, after awakening a breakfast, and then walk. Over time the kid will get used to maintain rather long interval till a lunch and its daily routine will become rather stable. That to the kid it was comfortable, young mom needs to observe flexibility and to listen to biological clock of the child. Imposing of a rigid day regimen to the baby without his features will not bring benefit to either him, or his mom.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
