Why the child twitches in a dream

Why the child twitches in a dream

The quiet and healthy sleep is important at any age. Not for nothing say that children grow in a dream. Really, during this period at the child growth hormone is more actively produced. Any changes or sleep disorders cause concern of parents.

Sleep disorder

Quite often uneasy dream of the child guards fathers and mothers, especially if at the same time the kid also twitches. During sleep many children shudder. The most often this phenomenon can be observed on the first year of life. Any pediatrician will calm you, having explained that this quite natural and normal state. In medicine it is designated as "a falling asleep miokloniya". To make sure that this really normal physiological state, it is necessary to understand phases of a children's dream.

The dream of the newborn child is divided into the same phases, as at the adult. However has fundamental differences. Any dream begins with the falling asleep period. After that there is an alternation of a deep and superficial sleep. Further there comes the period of full awakening. In alternation of a dream there are cardinal distinctions of a children's and adult dream.

The adult the most part of time plunges into deeper phase. Its superficial dream lasts, as a rule, no more than 2 hours in a night. At small children on the contrary. Their deep phase in places is replaced by a long superficial dream.

During this period there are starts, partial awakenings, changes in a facial expression.

It is put by the nature. It should be noted that the superficial dream of the kid promotes full maturing of his brain. It holds a specific place in the correct development of the child.


The dream when the child periodically shudders, can proceed up to 5 years, and in certain cases longer. Perhaps, at this moment your kid has some uneasy dream. As the reason nervousness during wakefulness can also serve. If you are really strongly guarded by this state, try to analyze in what conditions your child sleeps. Every evening, before going to bed, the room needs to be aired. It should not be indoors cold or hot. Optimum temperature in the room – 18-21os. Before going to bed experts recommend to bathe babies. By the way, the weakening bathtubs will be pleasant as well to the senior children. You should not forget that before night sleep too emotional and active games are excluded.

Also the child should not be overfed or hungry.

If at observance of all offered recommendations, twitchings in a dream did not stop, ask for the help the doctor (the pediatrician or the neurologist). The qualified specialist, having studied a condition of your child, will give a valuable advice and, perhaps, will appoint necessary treatment.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
