The teenage age is the most difficult period of development, there is a formation of the identity of the person then. The set of problems, including an impetuous lie of the child are connected with it.
The parent of the teenager to be difficult and it is not always pleasant. At this age children sharply grow up and try to become as it is possible is more adult for minimum short term. It involves unpleasant consequences - for example, your child for the first time tries alcohol, cigarettes, is late late and often lies. It is the most difficult to fight against the last moment. The lie for the child often is a self-defense method. He suppresses the real facts and tells a lie to protect itself(himself) from the parent. Also he not always is afraid of physical punishment, but also increase in a voice, reproaches. Pay attention to the method of education - the authoritarianism will not yield good fruits. Weaken a grasp, it will not be possible to control all actions of the child all the same. Teenagers lie also because of not developed, according to them, lives. It seems to them that all live better and more happily around. The first parting with the beloved, refusal of parents to buy some thing, the ban on trips with friends - all this involves mountains of a lie. Children lie not to look "silly" before peers to embellish realities of life and to seem a little "more abruptly" and so on. In this case little depends on you. Few years that the child realized that his life is not a trip competing in speed with friends, and that all pleasures and pleasures still ahead will be required. The unwillingness to solve problems also leads to a lie. Means it only the fact that the teenager is afraid and is not ready to become an adult with all that it implies circumstances. Having received "two", he will not hurry to tell parents and to approach the teacher for its correction. He will hide the truth from you, and will avoid the teacher. Having relied "at random", teenagers continue to live and pretend that nothing bad occurs. And it involves everything a new lie, problems by itself will not be solved. Try to accustom the child to responsibility, impart it over time, you do not press on the teenager. Whatever served as the reason of a lie of your child of teenage age, do not accept it as the most serious problem in its development. Softly explain to him that the lie not always solves problems, and often and creates them. It is desirable to do it on own example: do not lie at least at it and you share examples of an unsuccessful outcome of a lie of acquaintances.