Yoga-challenge for children — exercise for health without leaving a social net

Yoga-challenge for children — exercise for health without leaving a social net

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 Many parents know firsthand that today sharp deterioration in the general state of health of children is observed. The cause is both bad ecology, and low-quality products, and domination of medicamentous means, and constant stresses, and an inactive way of life because of a prosizhivaniye of the most part of time at the computers and gadgets. Also parents know well how to interest hard modern child in something and to distract from the attracting blue screens of tablets and phones. In article we want to consider option of how to force the child to move, at the same time without leaving social networks. It is about a yoga-challengee.

What is yoga-challenge for children

Those who is familiar with English know that the word challenge (challenge) in translation means call. To users of popular social networks this concept, most likely, is familiar on not so long ago (in 2014) to a sensational flashmob of Ice Bucket Challenge — when millions of people had a shower bath ice water worldwide and did donations for the purpose of dissemination of information on such disease as a side amyotrophic sclerosis, and financings of the funds researching this illness.

Whether you know? The yoga as set spiritual, mental and physical the practician was known since the Indsky civilization (3300-1700 BC). The concept of yoga for the first time meets in Rigveda.

The essence of a challenge is that performing a certain task, the person does a call to himself or others which accept it and also satisfy action conditions, and further suggest to make the same to other people.

In a case with a yoga-challengeem it means for children that the adult or adults suggest children to execute a certain pose from the picture or do exercises together with kids, fix process on a photo or video which make available in social networks. At the same time they can mark out friends to whom throw down a challenge as And to You It Is Weak?. Already adult children, from 9 years, can carry out poses for a yoga-challengea independently.

Main objectives at a challenge three:

  1. association of parents with children for performance of one purpose that is a great way of joint pastime and establishment of trusting relationship;
  2. interest of children in occupations yoga and physical activity in general;
  3. socialization of the child, opening for it new options of communication between people.

Children in any age have to are interested in similar acts if to present them as a game — the image of a pose of any animal, any subject. It can be the game The Sea Worries Time which to finish a phrase In a pose of an elephant (frogs, a cat …) stand. If to include imagination and to know hobbies of modern children, then a game for a yoga-challengea it is possible to think up any which will be interesting to kids and teenagers of various age. Selecting easy exercises, it is possible to make available yoga-challenge even for children of 3 years.

It will be interesting to you to learn about such types of yoga as: Ayengara, Kundalini, yoga-dance Mandala, Bhakti yoga

Really, the yoga is not sport which wearisome exercises by much have not on temper. Here all smoothly, slowly, without sharp movements. Carrying out yoga poses, it is almost impossible to put itself a trauma. Occupations are carried out in a habitual house situation, without presence of strangers, under favourite music (it can be children's songs).

Well and of course, for those who start challenge it is important to think up any encouragement or achievement of a common goal by all participants. Thus challenge will develop into an interactive game.

As a rule, challenge it is carried out throughout certain time.

Way to motivate the child to move, without coming off social networks

Regular physical yoga-exercises which are carried out with pleasure and in the form of a game are capable to develop coordination of movements, will power, flexibility of a body at the child, develop all muscles. At their performance the digestive tract works better, the organism is cleaned from toxins. Also all exercises influence a backbone that is very important for children. Practically in each of them there are stretchings and twisting that will positively affect a bearing, food of disks.

Yoga-challenge — a great way of a discharge of hyperactive kids.

For children is more senior which already have accounts in social networks, challenge is some ways of their motivation to be engaged in physical exercises and at the same time to remain active on social networks.

Challenge as socialization

Socialization of the child is influenced by family, educational and educational institutions, peers. Thus, challenge will be way of communication, at least, with two participants of this process — family and peers.

If kids work together with adult or other children, then they learn to trust each other, they develop sense of responsibility, unity, skills of communication and ability to behave in collective become stronger.

The pair yoga still sometimes is called trust yoga as at its praktikovaniye the people begin to know and feel each other better.

The purposes of an interactive challenge consist in:

The main characteristics of interaction in a yoga-challengee are:

What is necessary for occupation

Occupations by yoga will require the minimum set of objects:

Exercises need to be carried out under darling loading with cheerfulness music which will be pleasant also to you, and the child.

It is important! Before beginning to perform a task yoga-challengea, it is necessary to descend in a toilet and to clean a nose from slime.

Also the positive spirit will be required.

Examples of exercises for children

Below we submit the description and pictures of several sets of exercises for children, depending on their age and physical training.

For kids together with the image of animals

Of course, all kids very much like to represent animals. We offer you a selection from eight exercises representing animals who will be suitable for participating children yoga-challengea and are designed for 1 person.

  1. Frog.

It is necessary to sit down on hunkers, having widely parted the bent knees and socks in the parties and having pressed a foot to a floor. To put hands before itself, leaning palms in a floor. The head at the same time needs to be held directly, looking forward.

Inhaling, to lift a basin up and to straighten knees. The head at the same time is hung, and the look rests against knees. Hands and foot from a floor do not need to be torn off. Then to return to initial situation.

This movement perfectly helps to stir up mental activity, to balance a hormonal system, develops flexibility, strengthens hips, does an extension of a back part of a hip, tones up a body in general.

Important! Yoga-exercises become only on a hungry stomach. It is important that before execution of any pose the child did not eat food for two hours. For an hour it is possible to drink a glass of milk, tea or cocoa.

  1. Snake.

To lay down on a rug on a stomach. Hands and legs to arrange parallel to a floor. Heels need to be tightened up inside that they looked the friend on the friend. To get hands for a back, to close palms in the lock. Inhaling, it is necessary to delay the lock and shoulders back, having executed thus a deflection of a back and a high raising of the head. It is necessary to stay in a pose of a snake couple of seconds, then to return to initial situation.

This exercise helps to correct bearing flaws, to bring all organism into a tone, to strengthen muscles of an upper back, stimulates appetite and normalizes work of a liver and kidneys.

Exercise will not be suitable for those who have problems from a GIT (ulcer), hernia, thyroid gland hyperfunction. With care it can be done to children with heart diseases and tendencies to a hypertension.

  1. Flamingo.

To accept a standing position with legs together and hands on seams. To part hands in the parties. To take away the left leg back. To make an inclination forward. The supporting leg has to be equal. Back has to be located parallel to a floor. In such pose it is necessary to stand several seconds. Then to do exercise, using the right leg as a support.

The pose helps to learn to hold balance, strengthens the case and muscles of legs.

  1. Butterfly.

To accept a sitting position. To bend legs in knees and to bring them to a trunk, having connected feet. The back has to be equal. To press smoothly on knees hands, trying to press them to a floor.

  1. Camel.

To accept an initial pose, having kneelt and having put hands on hips. To make an inclination back, having undertaken hands heels. At an exhalation to cave in in a waist and to incline the head back. Hips have to be in situation perpendicular to a floor. Such situation is fixed for couple of seconds.

This exercise to allow to strengthen a humeral belt, a back, hands, hips and an abdominal press. Besides, it improves blood circulation on all body.

You should not do it to those who has violations of blood circulation in a brain, tendency to the increased arterial blood pressure and hyperfunction of a thyroid gland.

  1. Elephant.

To accept a standing position. Then to bend forward. To lower hands down, having closed palms among themselves. To shake hands in one, in other party as it is done by an elephant by a trunk.

  1. Oyster.

To accept a sitting position. To bend legs in knees, to close feet, as in a pose Butterfly. To put hands under knees. To make a breath and an exhalation. To slowly incline a trunk forward and to touch by a-headed foot.

  1. A butterfly lying.

To accept a prone position. The rug needs to be rolled and put under a back. To bend legs, feet to connect and tighten to a trunk. Hands to part and record palms up. In such pose it is good to relax and to breathe slowly.

Usually this pose is accepted at the end of a training to adjust a normal rhythm of heart and to calm breath.

Important! Yoga-exercises do not need to be done in the period of cold, the increased body temperature. If there are any chronic diseases, or at the child jumps of arterial blood pressure are observed, then consultation of the pediatrician is necessary. Girls should not accept the poses involving a stomach and a basin during periods.

For beginners to practice yoga

If the previous set of exercises was designed for absolutely small children — two-three years, then in this subsection we offer eight poses for more senior children — preschool children of four-five-year age.

  1. Tree.

To become exactly. Legs at shoulder length. Hands are lowered on seams. Then having bent in a knee, to raise one leg, having leaned foot against another. To connect palms and to raise them over the head. To be late in such situation for couple of seconds. Then to repeat exercise, using other supporting leg.

This pose is intended for development of coordination of movements, balance and endurance.

  1. Pretzel.

To accept a pose sitting, having crossed legs. To put a palm of the left hand on the right knee. To extend a palm of the right hand before itself and to lean on a rug. To make a deep breath. To do the same the left hand.

  1. Dog muzzle down.

To fall by all fours. To rest toes against a floor. To lift a basin. To rest palms against a floor. To send a look to a navel. It is possible to wag a basin as a dog a tail. To lift serially the left, right legs.

Exercise is intended to strengthen muscles of hands and legs, to stretch a back, to reduce stress, to save from fatigue.

  1. Turtle.

From a standing position to sit down on hunkers. To get hands for legs. Feet and palms have to lean on a rug completely.

  1. Lion

To kneel so that the breast lay on hips. To make a smooth breath and an exhalation. To move forward and to begin to roar.

  1. Otter.

To lay down on a stomach. To put the straightened hands before itself. The person looks in a floor. To slowly raise the head and a breast, leaning on the straightened hands.

  1. Sandwich.

To sit down on a rug with the straightened back and legs. To bend slowly, giving hands to socks and attracting a body to legs. The back at the same time has to remain equal.

As a rule, children flexible, and when performing this exercise develop in half with an equal back.

  1. Eagle.

In a standing position slightly to bend knees. Then to put the left leg on right. To bind hands so that the right hand covered left. To make a breath and an exhalation. To change a pose, having put the right leg on left and having crossed the left hand from right.

Important! It is not necessary to carry out with small children and those who do not play sports delays of breath and the turned poses.

For those who play sports

Those children who do any sport will can do the exercises described in this subsection. Teenagers of 10-12 years can also already carry out these exercises. At this age, except just poses, they can be told what each of them is intended for what value can render on their intellectual and physical development.

So, eight poses of average complexity for yoga-challenge on one person which will be suitable for children.

  1. Boat.

To sit down on a rug. To bend and tear off legs from a floor. After finding in such pose of balance to take thumbs of legs hands and to slowly bring legs to the straightened state.

Exercise strengthens muscles of an abdominal press.

  1. Ice slope.

To accept a sitting position with equal close legs. To put hands for hips, it is good to rest palms against a floor. To develop fingers towards legs. To lift a basin and hips. To throw back the head.

Exercise strengthens hips and hands. If at first it is difficult to do it, then it is possible to bend legs in knees.

  1. Raven.

It is necessary to pass into a pose of Crows from a standing position. To sit down on hunkers. To get hands for legs. Feet and palms have to lean on a rug completely. To give a body forward and to try to tear off feet from a rug and to reduce them on weight behind. Emphasis is placed on hands with good thumbs up.

In more difficult option of a leg become straight before themselves.

  1. Bridge.

There are two options of execution of this exercise: simpler and difficult. In simple option it is necessary to lay down on a rug with the bent legs and hands straightened on seams. Then to lift a basin and hips, leaning on shovels.

In difficult option emphasis is placed not on shovels, and on palms. Fingers of hands at the same time have to look towards feet.

  1. Candle.

To lay down on a back with slightly bent legs. To make a start socks from a floor and to get a foot for the head, trying to touch by floor toes. Hands are in equal situation along a body. Then slowly to raise legs up, supporting a back by hands.

  1. Swan

To lay down on a rug facedown with the straightened hands and legs. To slowly raise the head and a breast and to bend legs in knees, trying to reach socks the head.

  1. Starfish.

Starfish it is possible to do from a pose exercises A dog a muzzle down. Feet have to be connected. The right hand is taken away slightly more to the left. The right leg is put a little forward. Fingers of the right leg are developed to the left. Foot is pressed to a floor. Inhaling, to develop a trunk and to make raising of the left hand, then raising of the left leg. Then to repeat this exercise for the right hand and a leg.

It is better for children to do this exercise at a wall. It perfectly strengthens hands and forearms.

  1. Happy child.

To lay down on a rug on a back. To bend legs in knees and to attract hips to a trunk. To clasp with foot hands, knees or hips. It is accurate to press palms legs that they were as low as possible attracted to a floor. To rock from one side on another.

Difficult exercises

It is possible to carry those which become in couple to difficult exercises. We offer you a complex from eight difficult poses recommended for performance by the adult with the child or two children.

Whether you know? The word yoga extended on the world from Sanskrit. In translation it designates such concepts as harmony, unification.

  1. Double dog muzzle down.

Both should strike an attitude A dog a muzzle down. The first person becomes before the second and accurately places to him the legs on a waist. The body of the first person at the same time has to form an equal corner.

  1. Plane.

One person lays down on a back, having bent legs in knees. The second lays down a basin to him on a foot and places the palms on his palm. The person who is from below straightens legs and hands, thus raising other person. The body of human who is from above has to be strict parallel to a floor.

  1. Double level.

One person lays down on a rug facedown. Raises an equal body, placing emphasis on socks of legs and a palm. The second person clasps with the palms anklebones of the first person, and throws socks of legs on his shoulders. Rises on equal hands. A body and the first, and second person has to form a straight line. Deflections in a waist should not be.

  1. Bridge.

One person strikes an attitude A dog a muzzle down. The second lays down on a back to the first the person up, caving in and representing the bridge.

  1. Force pose.

Participants become the face to each other so that socks of legs touched. Having rested the friend in the friend knees and having joined hands, squat, bringing hips into parallel situation to a floor.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
